
About those spoilers (Still spoilery) (Off-Topic)

by Quirel, Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 10:22 (3450 days ago) @ ZackDark

Also, exactly because an hour on the planet is seven years, wouldn't the signal be distorted as hell? Thumbs up on the insanely overpowered tidal waves due to the black hole, though.

It would be red-shifted to Hell, yes.

In addition, the frequency of visible light (400-789 Terahertz) reaching Miller's planet from outer space would be blue shifted into hard X-rays (~30 Exahertz). Not only did life not have enough time to arise, the environment would be too hostile to support any kind of life we know.

I'm also wondering what the planet was made out of to be outside its Roche limit.

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