
Memories (Destiny)

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Tuesday, December 02, 2014, 12:13 (3440 days ago)

Guardians are the resurrected heros of a lost Golden Age. Most of them appear to be anywhere from their late 20's to early 40's as we know age (ie; disregarding the tripled-lifespan). When first restored to life, our Ghost tells us that we have many questions that he cannot answer at the moment. It has already been discussed that those questions have as yet remained unanswered. Presumably there is a lot of history between our original deaths and our original resurrections.

But what about before?

These are adult Awoken/Human/Exos, presumably from many and varied backgrounds and life experiences. I know I'd be more than a little excited to see some of our past lives coming to the fore. Whether in memory segments, or other guardians we knew before death, or even if it's just some more text info. One of the real issues I would anticipate for such an endeavor would be uniqueness among us as player/characters (an issue that is one of my personal letdowns regarding the Exotics). It wouldn't be that great if we all had the same back-story. We're not all MC anymore.

Anyway, I was thinking about what sort of life my Awoken Male Voidwalker led and it got me wondering if anybody else would be interested in this sort of history?

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