
Red Death got nerfed to a pea shooter (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, December 02, 2014, 14:17 (3440 days ago) @ Acheron

Honestly I am disappointed. Before the patch I felt that Red Death was lacking, the poor rate of fire made it a bad choice for mid and close range. For medium to long range you could do very well can get those really satisfying 2 shot kills.

Now after the patch the rate of fire is like it should be, however the burst damage reduction makes the post patch Red Death a worse choice then before the patch, sadly. Comparing the Red Death to my Strange Suspect the Red Death gets totally owned in PVP with a lot worse stability and really poor range.

The Red Death needs a serious buff!

Agree. I loved it before, now it is worse. I think the DPS buff was something like 2%, but when you first start shooting, you can get 2 shots from the old off in less time than 3 from the new. Over long periods of firing the damage is up slightly, but not during short encounters where you are only firing 2 or 3 shots, which is the majority of situations. How often do you use a pulse rifle on a heavier enemy?!

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