360 Raid with N00bs: Friday at 18:00MST (Recruitment)

by Oholiab @, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 12:58 (3498 days ago)

I previously posted about my son and I wanting to do the raid with some cool cats from DBO. He managed to level up his Titan, so we have blocked out some time to play Friday evening starting at 6:00pm MST. He's even foregoing swim practice, which he never misses....

I've never done the raid, let alone tried to set up a time to play, so I have no idea where to go from here. We will be online at that time, so shoot us a request to join... or something like that. I'm hoping we can get four people who can help guide us along the way since this may be the only time we ever do VOG.

My only request is that we keep it relatively clean on the voice channel. Thanks!

Gt: Oholiab and OholiabII

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