
Crota's End Raiding Expedition :: Dec. 14 @ 8:30am PST (Recruitment)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Wednesday, December 03, 2014, 17:01 (3498 days ago)

With The Dark Below just around the corner, I know a bunch of us will be chomping at the bit to dive into the Hellmouth and lay waste to Crota and his minions! Since the expansion lands on a Tuesday, most of us won't be able to dedicate the requisite time for a fresh raiding experience until the weekend. This should also give us a little bit of time to work on Eris' story missions and possibly rank up some gear before we start.

Therefore, we're setting up a Crota's End Raiding Expedition on Sunday, December 14th. We drop from orbit at 8:30am PST. Sign up below if you're interested! There are a few requisites to this event, however:

If you meet these criteria and are excited to dive into the Hellmouth, post below and we'll get you added to the roster. If there's demand for 360 and PS4 teams, we'll build rosters for those, too.


[image] DBO Fireteam Alpha (Xbox One): “Spurious Interrupt”


[image] DBO Fireteam Bravo (Xbox 360): “Grizzled”

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