
Have they improved rewards for ranking up factions? (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 14:48 (3461 days ago) @ Revenant1988

I would estimate about twice the range of a normal shotgun, which is pretty good.

Sounds about right. It certainly isn't a scout rifle equivalent like the Grimoire card suggests, but it's noticeable.

Impact seems a little low though. Not sure about spread, when going for head shots.

Yeah. I don't think it does quite as much damage as the regular shotguns (though still enough to easily one-shot the smaller enemies). Its strength lies in being able to use it as a primary, and consequently almost never running out of ammo. Also, this:

edit: arguably, one of it's main perks is that you can use it as a PRIMARY weapon, so you can do a shotty\Sniper load out if you please, for example.

Spread is definitely more focused when aimed. Enough to reliably hit a Phalanx's hand from medium range to stagger him, and one shot to the head to follow up.

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