Dallas.Bungie.Org LAN Party! (DBO)
After spending many hours this past Tuesday fighting our way into Crota's lair, I managed to get a few hours of sleep before having to head into work the next morning. In my sleep deprived state, driving north on 408 from Midlothian to Las Colinas, my mind was full of thoughts about how much fun I've been having playing Destiny and Halo with you guys and gals over the past year or two and lamenting the fact that I have not yet attended a LAN party with any of y'all.
It's been a while since this community has had a LAN party so I began wondering if anyone was was planning one in the next few months. Then I thought, "hey, wouldn't it be cool if I could host one someday?" Then I thought, "...but I would rather host it at my brother's house since it's bigger than mine." Then I though, "LIGHTBULB!! - My brother and his family are going to be on a cruise for a whole week at the end of March/beginning of April -- I could totally take over his house that week!"
So no more waiting for someone else to organize a party; I've decided we're havin' one a little over three months from now here in centrally located Dallas Texas.
(Or, more accurately, Midlothian, Texas - 25 miles south of Dallas/Fort Worth)
So here's the important details:
Where: Midlothian, Texas. Midlothian is about 25 minutes from either of the major airports (DFW and Love Field). I am more than happy to help arrange picking people up from the airport and getting them to Midlo.
When: April 2-4, 2015. Officially, the LAN will run from Thursday morning (April 2nd) through Saturday (April 4th), but y'all are more than welcome to show up Wednesday afternoon/night and leave Sunday morning. As long as we've got the place cleaned up and vacated by Sunday afternoon, my brother will never even know we trashed his place!* That Friday is actually Good Friday, so you may even already have the day off from work!
Accommodations: The house has four bedrooms and two living areas, along with an airplane hanger in the backyard that has a guest apartment/office. I figure we can easily have 10-12 people crashing there; if any couples want to come (looking at you Nando/Sammy, Rev/Jackie(sp?)) you would have priority on the bedrooms with the king and queen beds. We also have plenty of air mattresses depending on how popular this is.
Cost: Free! As mentioned above, I anticipate that we will have room for everybody to crash for free in the house, so there will not be any cost to share for sleeping arrangements. Obviously, everybody will be expected to help cover the costs of communal food and drinks, and pay for themselves if we go out anywhere.
Activities: Gaming, eating, and more gaming -- of both the video and board varieties. The airplane hangar I mentioned above actually houses the 5,000+ BoardGameGeek library that is used at BGG.CON, so we have unfettered access to any board game that you can possibly imagine wanting to play. We also have the tech to set up a full Artemis bridge (Artemis is TONS of fun in case you're not already familiar with it). I would be more than happy to show anyone around some of the cool stuff Dallas has to offer if there is interest, but I imagine most of our time will be spent playing Halo, Destiny (I know we can get at least one full fire team working just fine on the internet and I'd be interested to see what the network limit is), Mariokart, etc.
How to sign up: Post here and/or send an email to scottanderson03@gmail.com.
Let me know if you have any questions! I am extremely open to suggestions and advice as well as this is really my first time trying to pull off something like this!
*(Seriously though, I did consult my brother before posting this and he's totally cool with it)