
I killed Crota and you can too (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 03:39 (3480 days ago)
edited by Cody Miller, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 03:43

The DBO Xbox people beat the PS4 DBO folks to the kill, so congrats. I just took him down, and the fight was actually rather straightforward when you have your plan. Schedules kept me from doing it with DBO folks however. On the bright side, we can get Cruel Legacy through it now.


Holy shit, this fight is so much easier when you communicate. It's a breeze when you know what is where, and when to do stuff. The communication in the run was great, save for one mistake. Things to always call out:

Knight spawns (Tower, middle)
Where the Sword Bearer is
If Crota is moving
Who has / needs the Chalice
When to attack Crota, and when the sword wielder should go.

Here's the video, and the strategy should be straightforward. You will get a rhythm going and be unstoppable. We made the mistake of killing a sword bearer too early before Crota returned to the middle, losing a round of damage.

P.S. That rocket launcher looks boss.

I spent probably 8 hours on this today.

by HavokBlue, California, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 04:55 (3480 days ago) @ Cody Miller

With two different groups. The first group consisted entirely of 30s, except for myself, who seemed to have a lot of trouble with basic things like... not getting hit by knights of the ledges... or communicating.

The second group of randoms had communication down pretty well, and we managed to get Crota within a few sword swings of death, but we were unable to get our timing down perfectly and always ended up missing one or two sword phases and hitting the enrage timer, or doing well only to have our swordbearer get overzealous and stay too close to Crota.

The first group was a blind run with nobody taking charge. The second run was half-blind and I ended up taking charge of group direction and callouts since I was pretty familiar with the fight by this point. It helped, but we couldn't quite get it down.

Hoping to finish him off with another random group at some point tomorrow.


rocket launcher

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 07:06 (3480 days ago) @ Cody Miller

i got the hunger of crota, and have been leveling it up. I've noticed that i only get 1 rocket from dropped ammo. If i'm at 0 ammo, then i will pick up 2, but after that i only get 1. So to get the max 4 rockets that i can carry, i need 3 ammo drops. I don't remember truth or other rockets being this way.

Ammo synthesis works just fine though.


I think it has to do with your armour perks

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 09:45 (3480 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

I noticed that I started getting only 1 rocket per ammo drop after switching off of my Raid gear.



by Schedonnardus, Texas, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 09:54 (3480 days ago) @ CyberKN

- No text -

rocket launcher

by HavokBlue, California, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 10:59 (3480 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

I've had heavies like that that picked up less reloads per ammo pack. Without field scout, my swarm picks up like a mag and a half while zombie apocalypse will pick up 2 extra reloads.

I heard the raid pants are bugged and cause you to lose heavy ammo on death.

Crota's End just as buggy as Vault.

by HavokBlue, California, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 17:40 (3479 days ago) @ Cody Miller

There is a glitch wherein the Sword will arbitrarily despawn as soon as the Swordbearer is killed.

There is a glitch where the Sword will prevent guardians from picking it up.

There is a glitch where Crota will get stuck in a pathing loop between two of his 3 standing points.

There is a glitch where Crota will arbitrarily walk or fall off his platform.

There is a glitch where the aerial down-slash attack of the Sword will not damage Crota.

Thanks to netcode issues, Crota will often instagib your Swordbearer despite the Swordbearer being in the clear.

I'm so done with this. I've thrown myself at this for 10+ hours now and come literally within a single sword swing half a dozen times only for the sword to arbitrarily disappear as we run for it the last time, or Crota to reset to a new location with instantly regenerated shields on a much shorter timer than usual. It was super satisfying to walk in there today, clear everything up to Crota with a group of capable, friendly randoms from the internet. And then to start the Crota fight and get him to something like 10-15% on the first attempt. And the second. And the third. But it's okay, we've got the next one! Just kidding, the sword despawns! And on and on and on.

Besides that... is it really that difficult to not die?... In something like 4 hours of Crota yesterday and 4 hours of Crota today, making an exception for total party kills from oversoul or intentional wipe, I died twice. In the meantime, everyone else is eating Knight blasts or walking into Cursed Thralls at least once or twice.



Crota's End just as buggy as Vault.

by Durandal, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 04:12 (3479 days ago) @ HavokBlue

Both times I've made it to Crota and we can't seem to kill him due to these issues. I've had the sword despawn on me twice in one attempt, been killed mid air as I leaped off the platform, and had Crota take off running from me as soon as I pick up the sword. This one is probably the worst, since I'm half way to him when he runs and it usually means I can't reach him before the sword despawns, meaning ogres and a wasted round.


Crota's End just as buggy as Vault.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 09:33 (3479 days ago) @ Durandal

and had Crota take off running from me as soon as I pick up the sword..

That isn't a bug dude. Crota has set movements. You picked up the sword too late. You have to get him before he moves, then next time wait till he moves back to middle.

Crota's End just as buggy as Vault.

by HavokBlue, California, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 14:58 (3478 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Durandal's post sounds like bad timing on the part of his group, but I've experienced Crota switching positioning faster than the swordbearer will even spawn.


Crota's End just as buggy as Vault.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, December 18, 2014, 00:41 (3478 days ago) @ HavokBlue

Durandal's post sounds like bad timing on the part of his group, but I've experienced Crota switching positioning faster than the swordbearer will even spawn.

We actually just finished a run and we had a timer going, he moves roughly every 50 seconds (it's hard to calculate perfectly when we are hiding from him). It became much easier to plan around once we knew that. When he was on the sides we'd wait until about 10 seconds to go before he moved and take out the swordbearer and by the time our sword wielder got to the middle Crota would be back. I definitely think this was intentional and that they want you to plan around it.

Pathing failure video.

by HavokBlue, California, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 15:09 (3478 days ago) @ HavokBlue
edited by HavokBlue, Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 15:13


Starts at 7:12. Around 9:00 minutes you can watch Crota chase our swordbearer off the left side of the platform and then teleport to the right platform. At the very end of the video you can see Crota lose his shield, flash red, begin to kneel, and then regenerate to full before killing the swordbearer.

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