
Destiny Maps (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Wednesday, December 31, 2014, 14:31 (3740 days ago)

There is a subreddit called DestinyMaps.

It doesn't seem very active, and they haven't got very far in what they wanted to accomplish. However, they have uploaded copies of all the overhead shots of the areas that were used as basic maps in the official guide (e.g. The Hollows). As well as some diagrams of how the named areas link together (e.g. Mars)

So if anyone knows anyone that loves doing cartography and playing Destiny, that person wouldn't have to start from scratch, and these guys could use some help.

My personal vote would be for some vector diagrams based on the overheads. Preferably in SVG so it'd be easy to manipulate and add to.

Destiny Maps

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Wednesday, December 31, 2014, 14:50 (3740 days ago) @ RC

That's cool stuff right there.

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