
Flawless Raiders... Assemble! (Recruitment)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, January 08, 2015, 08:46 (3618 days ago) @ petetheduck

If the Flawless Raiders are available, I'd consider it a favor to have them see this Guardian through VOG Hard.

Despite him being a Titan. But hey, we can't all be frabjous.

I'd love to help out! We have a Crota raid scheduled for tonight, but I'm available any other night this week.

I won't be much good in terms of helping explain things, since I don't play with my mic, but I'm happy to go along for the ride and provide cover fire. Only other thing is I can only get online late at night... 12:30am EST is usually the earliest. Would that be a probelm?

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