
*bows humbly* (Destiny)
Being a Cynical Asshole is a tough job--you lose friends, people think less of you, a creeping depression follows and is sure to overtake you in your 40's. But it's easy to complain about anything. Don't bother searching through the good of your heart--we all have it--just hit the top layer and smother everything positive with realism and irrational immaturity.
I'm a good person, honestly. But I do have a lot of upsetting defenses to protect my vulnerabilities. Almost like that delightful Shrek character everyone seems to like.
Ok, well if you actually can switch back and forth, I guess I can suck it up.
I take it back!
Complete thread:
- Well, I Bought An Xbox One, But...*NSFW* -
2015-01-14, 15:10
- Well, I Bought An Xbox One, But...*NSFW* -
2015-01-14, 15:13
- Well, I Bought An Xbox One, But...*NSFW* - unoudid, 2015-01-14, 15:23
- Well, I Bought An Xbox One, But...*NSFW* -
2015-01-14, 15:30
- Well, I Bought An Xbox One, But...*NSFW* - stabbim, 2015-01-14, 15:32
- Well, I Bought An Xbox One, But...*NSFW* - Xenos, 2015-01-14, 15:33
- Why is this marked NSFW?
- TDSpiral, 2015-01-14, 15:19
- Why is this marked NSFW? -
2015-01-14, 15:30
- Why is this marked NSFW? - Kermit, 2015-01-14, 20:06
- Why is this marked NSFW? -
2015-01-14, 15:30
- Are you feeling okay? -
2015-01-14, 15:25
- Are you feeling okay? - Morpheus, 2015-01-14, 15:37
- Are you feeling okay? - stabbim, 2015-01-14, 15:38
- A curved HUD.... -
2015-01-14, 15:36
- *bows humbly* - Morpheus, 2015-01-14, 15:46
- A curved HUD.... - SonofMacPhisto, 2015-01-15, 09:44
- What? -
2015-01-14, 15:39
- What? - Morpheus, 2015-01-14, 15:50
- Could you post an example? - Earendil, 2015-01-14, 16:31
- I sort of get what you're saying with the HUD? Maybe? - uberfoop, 2015-01-14, 16:36
- Did they not have any PS4s in? -
2015-01-15, 04:49
- That's Korny's job - Kermit, 2015-01-15, 06:50
- Don't play any other modern FPS. - UnrealCh13f, 2015-01-15, 10:55
- Well, I Bought An Xbox One, But...*NSFW* -
2015-01-14, 15:13