Bungie, PLEASE give us exotic boots. (Destiny)
"Why?" you ask...
As we all know, the raid gear carries the highest light levels out of all the armor in the game. Before the expansion, reaching level 30 required a complete set of Vault of Glass armor. Now we need a full set of Crota armor to hit 32. Everyone on these forums is all too familiar with the frustrations of the RNG system. Getting all 4 pieces of armor for a single character can take months, depending on your luck.
The only thing that dulls the pain of this system is Exotic armor. Since the exotics carry the same light level as the raid armor, they can be used as substitutes. So if I've got the raid boots, gloves, helmet, but not chest piece, I can equip and exotic chest piece and "BAM", I'm at max level. It also provides a small amount of potential variety for top-rank players, so we don't all look exactly the same.
Problem is, there are no exotic boots. What this means is that in order to hit max level, you 100% MUST have the raid boots. No other option. As it turns out, this is a bigger problem (for me, at least) than I ever would have guessed.
Back before the expansion, I ran the Vault of Glass 30+ times over the course of 10 weeks with my Warlock, without ever getting a set of Raid boots. The only reason I was eventually able to hit 30 was because the Iron Banner sold Raid-level boots at one point.
Now, with Crota's end, I have 3 characters all level 31, all with the armor they would need to hit 32, except they're all missing the damn boots. My Warlock has received the gloves 4 times, my Hunter have received the gloves 3 times (and I've unlocked the rocket launcher and machine gun 3 times each). It is miles beyond frustrating.
If we had exotic boots available, it would at least give us a teeny tiny little bit more flexibility. A chance to hit max level without grinding 3 characters of the same class. Last week the Iron Banner sold max-level gloves... but I already have exotic gloves that hit the same level (in addition to the raid gloves I keep getting). We need an alternative to the raid boots. Something. Anything please!
Complete thread:
- Bungie, PLEASE give us exotic boots. -
2015-01-19, 10:18
- Hmm, we have those... -
2015-01-19, 10:24
- O_o How did I not know this?!
- CruelLEGACEY, 2015-01-19, 10:39
- To make matters worse... -
2015-01-19, 11:22
- facepalm
- CruelLEGACEY, 2015-01-19, 12:33
- To make matters worse... -
2015-01-19, 12:43
- I just got Obsidian Mind... -
2015-01-19, 13:28
- Amazing when paired with Bad Juju!!
- unoudid, 2015-01-19, 13:31
- Amazing when paired with Bad Juju!!
- I just got Obsidian Mind... -
2015-01-19, 13:28
- facepalm
- To make matters worse... -
2015-01-19, 11:22
- O_o How did I not know this?!
- Bungie, PLEASE give us exotic boots. - stabbim, 2015-01-19, 10:24
- I've got an idea for Warlock legs. -
2015-01-19, 14:05
- I've got an idea for Warlock legs. - Ouranje, 2015-01-19, 17:02
- Almost perfect. - INSANEdrive, 2015-01-19, 19:11
- Hmm, we have those... -
2015-01-19, 10:24