
End Crota Harder [PS4] - Should we start earlier? (Recruitment)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Monday, January 19, 2015, 14:14 (3607 days ago) @ Speedracer513

The FTB event is still listed at 11:30pm CST and only four of us are signed up. Korny has expressed that he would be interested in joining in (and not caring about cheesing the bridge section) if we start earlier and he would be another level 32. I'm pretty sure Sammy is level 32 as well. (For what it's worth, I think I'm with Korny in that I would prefer not to resort to any cheese, but if it is taking hours to get through a section - that we could get through a bit quicker if we take advantage of some in-game exploits, I am not opposed to a little bit of cheese after we have already put in some due diligence the 'harder' way, especially if we have some 31s in the group.)

Are the four of us that signed up interested in starting at about 9:30pm CST?

If so, Korny and Sammy are you interested in completing the group?

We'd love to. We'd be ready anytime after 7, cheese-free.

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