
Smart man automates Destiny grinding (Destiny)

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 06:16 (3420 days ago) @ rhubarb


Bungie nerf cannon meets its match?

LOL I would LOVE to see how or if DeeJ spins on this in the WU.

I actually love that he did this, and that it's getting so much notice. It's quite a bit more sophisticated than propping your thumbstick against something while crouched in a corner to level up your Sneak ability in Skyrim, but it also tells me two things:

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

2. Destiny's player base is having fun playing Destiny in ways Bungie never dreamed they would. Bungie needs to make peace with that, and move on to solving actual problems in the game.

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