
VoG Hard [PS4] raid last night (Recruitment)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, January 24, 2015, 11:42 (3602 days ago) @ ashes2ashes138

TheeChaos, CruelLegacy, Marmot1333, and everyone else that signed up for the VoG group: I'm really sorry that I was not able to make it online last night. A long work week + raiding late at night (12:30 am start times) caught up with me and I passed out really early while waiting for the raid to start. I feel really bad that I signed up to be there and didn't make it. Hopefully you guys were able to find someone else and the raid went well.

No worries at all :) We missed playing with you, but we found substitutes without any problems. We ended up running it on Normal, too. As Cyber said to me at the end of the night,"we should do that more often... it's nice and relaxing". Hopefully you can join in next time. I personally would like to run Vault of Glass a couple more times this week, normal or Hard mode.

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