
Crota Hard Mode live stream tonight (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, February 04, 2015, 18:14 (3431 days ago)

The DBO PS4 crew will be running Crota hard mode tonight. We won't be setting any world records, but we do seem to have a pretty good handle on the raid overall. I'll be livestreaming on my channel if anyone wants to watch.


If anyone else in the group wants to broadcast the raid as well, maybe post a link to your channel below?



by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, February 04, 2015, 19:12 (3431 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY


Take a drink when:

-Cody Dies
-CruelLegacy Dances
-The sword disappears before it should
-Anybody in the group gets an exotic or the group gets a chest
-After completion of each segment


I'll be smashed before we cross the bridge :)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, February 04, 2015, 19:29 (3431 days ago) @ Cody Miller

- No text -


Crota Hard Mode live stream tonight

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Wednesday, February 04, 2015, 22:52 (3431 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Well I used it to see you found someone to fill in for me. Really sorry to everyone I was so late.


Crota Hard Mode live stream tonight

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 03:24 (3431 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY
edited by Korny, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 04:13

Apologies to Vortech for stealing his spot (trust me, they had to beg and plead* to drag me away from Dying Light), but I was fortunately able to grab the Fang of Crota, the ship, and a Crux... Though it will be a while before I upgrade the Eidolon Ally...

It was fun. I had no idea that you were streaming. Now our failures in the Abyss are even more embarrassing...

*well, they asked once...


Crota Hard Mode live stream tonight

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 08:34 (3431 days ago) @ Korny

Please. No apologies are needed. I felt terrible about being as late as I was.

I only started watching you guys and joined the party when you got the bridge so I missed all the trouble with the lantern section.


Crota Hard Mode live stream tonight

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 09:35 (3431 days ago) @ Korny

Apologies to Vortech for stealing his spot (trust me, they had to beg and plead* to drag me away from Dying Light), but I was fortunately able to grab the Fang of Crota, the ship, and a Crux... Though it will be a while before I upgrade the Eidolon Ally...

It was fun. I had no idea that you were streaming. Now our failures in the Abyss are even more embarrassing...

*well, they asked once...

Our failures in the Abyss were washed away by our epic first-try victory over Crota.

And to Cody: my comments about not being able to run it every week were conditional: IF we kept getting screwed by bugs and weirdness. No bugs, no problem :)

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