Xûr's Goodies (Destiny)
Screenshot for at-a-glance convenience!
CLASS ITEMS (All class items contain 30/36 Light)
- Titan:
Crest of Alpha Lupi (Chest) // 13sc
-Intellect 124/133
- Hunter:
Radiant Dance Machines (Legs) // 13sc
-Strength 119/128
- Warlock:
Voidfang Vestments (Chest) // 13sc
-Strength 144/155
WEAPON (331 Attack)
No Land Beyond (Sniper Rifle) [] // 17sc
Exotic Shard // 7sc
Exotic Engram (Chest) // 23motes
UPGRADEABLE ITEMS (All upgradeable items require 1 Exotic Shard and 7000+ Glimmer.)
- Knucklehead Radar (Hunter Helmet) <Strength 97/104> (7331 Glimmer)
- Achlyophage Symbiote (Hunter Helmet) <Discipline 119/128> (7177 Glimmer)
- An Insurmountable Skullfort (Titan Helmet) <Discipline 101/109> (7283 Glimmer)
- Crest of Alpha Lupi (Titan Chest) <Intellect 131/141> (7547 Glimmer)
- Voidfang Vestments (Warlock Chest) <Strength 141/151> (7457 Glimmer)
- Sunbreakers (Warlock Gauntlets) <Intellect 82/88> (7549 Glimmer)
- Hard Light (7669 Glimmer)
- Bad Juju (7019 Glimmer)
- MIDA Multi-Tool (7459 Glimmer)
- The Last Word (7559 Glimmer)
- Invective (7927 Glimmer)
- Plan C (7187 Glimmer)
- Monte Carlo (7919 Glimmer) (Playstation Only)
Auto Rifle, Fusion Rifle, Shotgun Telemetries // 1sc (Really useful when turning in bounties)
Plasma Drive (Blue) // 23sc
Void Drive (Purple) // 23sc
Heavy Ammo Synthesis x5 // 1sc (What are you waiting for!?)
Location: Hall of Guardians
This about sums it up...
This about sums it up...
Who wants to run the weekly with me 3 times tonight? I didn't bother running it this week because I figured there wasn't going to be anything worth buying.
This about sums it up...
I bought 300 heavy ammo, 100 for each character. I feel like I should buy more.
Edit: Yes, Avateur, I created a third character again, but for a special purpose that is purely fun/amusement. Not to grind Weekly/Nightfall/etc.
Everyone chime in w/ how many Heavy Ammo Synths you bought!
I spent 28 coins on synths alone (for a total of 140 synths). I see above that Pete spent over twice that!
I started out pretty disappointed when I woke up to see that he was selling No Land Beyond and a bunch of armor I didn't really need. But it actually turned out to be a pretty good week for me. I bought three chest engrams, hoping for Heart of the Praxic Fire. The first one I decrypted was Heart of the Praxic Fire! The other two turned out to be Starfire Protocol (with a much higher intellect rating than my current one) and a Crest of Alpha Lupi for my hunter (with a much higher strength rating than my current one). I went ahead and bought Voidfang Vestments and Radiant Dance Machines to pretty much complete my Warlock and Hunter exotic collections. Then some fusion rifle telemetries for my recently acquired Vex Mythoclast and a bunch of heavy ammo to finish out the shopping spree; with enough strange coins leftover to buy multiple Gjallarhorns next week!
hold on there son,
Then some fusion rifle telemetries for my recently acquired Vex Mythoclast
It finally happened?? Did I miss you post about it? I figured for sure when you got one you'd be going nuts on the board here or something haha
My vault is now destroyed.
This about sums it up...
Only need to run it on 2 characters, but I won't be home until late. Would do it tomorrow or LATE night, after MCC Customs, if you are still on.
I was there...
I'd say it wasn't so much a moment of excitement, but of bittersweet closure ;)
It depends....
If I get Voidfang's from the chest engram, then I've got 112 coins waiting to empty Xûr of his Synth stock when I get home from work, meaning 560 Heavy! If I have to buy Voidfangs (which I want, mostly for collecting), then I'll ONLY be hitting Xûr with 99 coins, and come away with a measly 495 heavy ammos.
Doing what pete did
100 each for each character, minimum
hold on there son,
Then some fusion rifle telemetries for my recently acquired Vex Mythoclast
It finally happened?? Did I miss you post about it? I figured for sure when you got one you'd be going nuts on the board here or something haha
Yeah, I got it last week. Honestly I thought about posting about it that night, but I just couldn't think of what to say at the time; I was serenely speechless. I wasn't sure how I would react, and to my surprise it wasn't so much running around the living room dancing, but rather (as CruelLegacey put it best) a "moment of bittersweet closure." Playing around with it subsequently definitely was exciting though. I think since I had gone without one so long, the hype of how good it is had started to die down for me -- but running around shooting stuff with it almost feels like cheating. :-)
I imagine that if/when I do ever get a Hawkmoon - that will elicit happy dancing around the living room.
Everyone chime in w/ how many Heavy Ammo Synths you bought!
I'm actually a little surprised to see that I appear to be on the low end of the spectrum. I'm curious now -- are you guys taking into account that the heavy ammo bug is (theoretically) going to be fixed within a week? Do you feel like you might regret dropping all that coin on 300/400/500+ synths if the bug is indeed fixed soon?
Everyone chime in w/ how many Heavy Ammo Synths you bought!
I'm actually a little surprised to see that I appear to be on the low end of the spectrum. I'm curious now -- are you guys taking into account that the heavy ammo bug is (theoretically) going to be fixed within a week? Do you feel like you might regret dropping all that coin on 300/400/500+ synths if the bug is indeed fixed soon?
Nope, the bug being fixed would just be a bonus so that the synth stash lasts longer.
I still have 90 strange coins left and I don't know the next time Xur will sell heavy ammo. If he sells it next week, I just won't need to buy many then. If he doesn't sell it again for a month, I'll still be all set.
Everyone chime in w/ how many Heavy Ammo Synths you bought!
What else is there to spend it on when you have nearly all exotics in the game and have since releveled weapons to 331 to and armor to 36 light. I'm sitting on nearly 20+ telemetries of every kind, and have more VXO timebreakers then I know what to do with.
At this point unless Xur sells Gjallahorn or Suros (so I can get my 3rd each), or he finally sells Heart of Praxic Fire I really have nothing to spend Strange Coins on.
hold on there son,
Then some fusion rifle telemetries for my recently acquired Vex Mythoclast
It finally happened?? Did I miss you post about it? I figured for sure when you got one you'd be going nuts on the board here or something haha
Yeah, I got it last week. Honestly I thought about posting about it that night, but I just couldn't think of what to say at the time; I was serenely speechless. I wasn't sure how I would react, and to my surprise it wasn't so much running around the living room dancing, but rather (as CruelLegacey put it best) a "moment of bittersweet closure." Playing around with it subsequently definitely was exciting though. I think since I had gone without one so long, the hype of how good it is had started to die down for me -- but running around shooting stuff with it almost feels like cheating. :-)I imagine that if/when I do ever get a Hawkmoon - that will elicit happy dancing around the living room.
So it's just me now. And all this time I thought we were friends...
- CC
This about sums it up...
Would love to do it. I do have a raid scheduled at 9pst though.
I thought about joining in on someone I saw doing a run last night but I always feel guilty about dropping in uninvited.
This about sums it up...
I've got a raid late tonight, but if you and Chris see me on and not running a raid, just join up and we'll go.
I have 352 motes of light. Think I can score a HotPF?
- No text -
Yes lol
- No text -
Everyone chime in w/ how many Heavy Ammo Synths you bought!
I'm actually a little surprised to see that I appear to be on the low end of the spectrum. I'm curious now -- are you guys taking into account that the heavy ammo bug is (theoretically) going to be fixed within a week? Do you feel like you might regret dropping all that coin on 300/400/500+ synths if the bug is indeed fixed soon?
Probably not.
In my case, what would I buy? I have all the weapons Xur can sell. The only things I'd buy are armor pieces. Those are cheap. I have all the hunter ones, so that leaves two other possible purchases each week when and if I start the two other classes.
Armor sells for 13 coins. That's a maximum of 26 coins I'd spend on gear each week until the new DLC. That is less than what I take in. This week I got two engrams, and ended up with what he was selling for warlock and titan. So no coins spent!
So no, I went to town, and will probably buy more, and just never ever have to worry about heavy ammo again. If anything, I am going to stockpile MOTES OF LIGHT to roll a bazillion Xur engrams from House of Wolves to get the cool new exotics right away.
hold on there son,
So it's just me now. And all this time I thought we were friends...
- CC
We're still friends. I'm just now the more experienced friend you look up to since I got to third base with her first.
Name the time and date and I'll continue to be your wingman as you continue your quest looking for the right Atheon to pop your cherry.
Not if your luck is like mine! ;-)
Also, that's a lot of Motes!
I have 352 motes of light. Think I can score a HotPF?
The fun thing will be seeing you buy one at a time, going back and forth from Xur to Rahool. This is a pretty good week to do it since they're as close to each other as they ever get!
I'm actually a little surprised to see that I appear to be on the low end of the spectrum. I'm curious now -- are you guys taking into account that the heavy ammo bug is (theoretically) going to be fixed within a week? Do you feel like you might regret dropping all that coin on 300/400/500+ synths if the bug is indeed fixed soon?
I bought some when I first tried the Vault of Glass Raid because Beorn yelled at me and told me to... I maybe used one during it? The rest have just been sitting in my inventory since.
I kind of play by the seat of my pants, trying to work with whatever I have, so I didn't even realize the heavy ammo bug WAS a bug till a month ago, and I still rarely notice it. If I'm out of heavy ammo I just change my strategy. Guess I'm playing mostly subconsciously or something. Plus opening the menu and waiting for it to load during gameplay (on the 360 at least) is too dangerous usually.
It's a normal raid
So you guys should be done by 1am EST. I believe I would still be online then.
I kind of play by the seat of my pants, trying to work with whatever I have, so I didn't even realize the heavy ammo bug WAS a bug till a month ago, and I still rarely notice it. If I'm out of heavy ammo I just change my strategy. Guess I'm playing mostly subconsciously or something. Plus opening the menu and waiting for it to load during gameplay (on the 360 at least) is too dangerous usually.
Truth be told, I have needed heavy ammo much less than the internet would have you believe… I probably use maybe 4 or 5 per week playing, and that's including the Crota raid multiple times. Vault of Glass doesn't really require them, since the game is generous about giving you heavy ammo after each section, and it's not as important as in Crota.
Anybody have an opinion on the dance machines?
Good role? And are they particularly useful? I typically play a fairly mobile crucible game where getting places faster would be helpful, but not sure if the strength for intellect trade on my current boots is worth it.
Anybody have an opinion on the dance machines?
Good role? And are they particularly useful? I typically play a fairly mobile crucible game where getting places faster would be helpful, but not sure if the strength for intellect trade on my current boots is worth it.
They are pretty good in crucible.
Any armor worth it?
So, is any of this armor worth it? I don't feel inspired.
Anybody have an opinion on the dance machines?
Coupled with MIDA you are the roadrunner and everybody else is Wile E. Coyote.
Any armor worth it?
So, is any of this armor worth it? I don't feel inspired.
I like Voidfang in crucible. Having grenades ready on every spawn is very useful. Works well with both subclasses. With my sunsinger I like being able to chunk 2 grenades at the guy who just killed me and is capturing my point.
Ammo synths?
I bought 8 rare fusion rifles from the gunsmith this morning and am now broke. :D
Only 30 heavy ammo synths for the moment, to bring me up to 2 stacks in the bank and roughly 20 on each character.
Need to get my priorities in line...
I have trouble wearing any other Exotic besides my Sunbreakers, I can't barely convince myself to buy anything else! They are just so damn pretty.
Second engram! :D
305 motes remain!