Friday Night Vaultorama (Recruitment)
I see that some folks are running the Crota raid and would like to run VoG after. I moved back the starting time 1 hour to help you guys out.
If you haven't signed up, don't miss your chance to enjoy my disappointment as you get your 6th Fatebringer while I get nothing but shards.
Complete thread:
- Friday Night Vaultorama -
2015-03-06, 19:11
- Friday Night Vaultorama - ChrisTheeCrappy, 2015-03-06, 20:39
- Friday Night Vaultorama - Mid7night, 2015-03-06, 23:01
- Glitchfest to end all glitchfests -
2015-03-07, 06:30
- Glitchfest to end all glitchfests -
2015-03-07, 06:36
- +1 - Mid7night, 2015-03-07, 12:31
- Well, I have one going on Sunday. -
2015-03-07, 22:14
- Well, I have one going on Sunday. - Mid7night, 2015-03-08, 00:00
- Glitchfest to end all glitchfests -
2015-03-07, 06:36