What is the Comet? (Destiny)
Has Bungie officially said anything about what the Comet is, including whether or not it exists? If so, what did they say? All I've seen is the leaked screenshot, but we really don't know if that's even real, right? I mean, Urk said not to believe it.
What is the Comet?
The only other thing "known" about the "comet(s)" is from the very old leak of the Bungie / Activision contract that talked about "comet" releases being staggered between full game releases in a every other year kind of pacing. So... maybe a comet is just a bigish DLC... or maybe it's something more like ODST. We really have no clue.
What is the Comet?
Its mentioned in legal docs, so the concept is legit, but at this time there is nothing to be said. All roads point to patch 1.1.2 and House of Wolves.
At least in till June.
Pfft. A Warsat.
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Well, there's this
No current info.
I don't see any reason to disbelieve the leaked screen, the shirt patch, or the Activision document on Comet, but it's all old info. We don't know what changed, if anything.
Guys in the subreddit take it for granted, and it's a high probability hit, but I think they're too naïve about how things can change.
What is the Comet?
Yup. It is very likely a thing that exists (or will exist), but beyond that... who knows? When Urk said not to believe the screenshot he was probably talking more about scheduling, since we can already see even right now that the dates given don't line up with what's actually released so far.
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The highest ranked Myth player.
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