
What Necrochasm could have been (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, March 30, 2015, 20:20 (3365 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Meh. The extremes are far too extreme. After a few hits the gun is suddenly doing +33% damage... that's a Weapons of Light level increase just for landing a few shots! The interplay between doing damage and receiving damage might actually be pretty interesting to ponder but all someone really needs to do is get in a little damage and they are suddenly god-like. Remember, Pulse Rifles moved from unused to potent with a mere +9.7% increase in damage... and you're setting the top end boost at +100%?! While the player is twice as tough?! It would take a rocket or a super to kill you... if the enemy could get close enough, which would be one heck of a big if.

A maximum of +10% boost to damage and health might start to approach reasonable levels. +100% is just crazy talk and would be game breaking.

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