3D Printed Destiny Pendants ... In METAL! (Fan Creations)
I finally set aside some fun-money to order some of my own designs ... :P ... and they're awesome! Sporting the Hunter myself at the moment, but I definitely like how all three came out. The really cool thing is you can pick the metal that suits you; you don't have to get the same finishes that I've shown here. Pick your poison! :D
Get the Hunter here
Hunter side 1: - Hunter side 2:
Get the Titan here
Titan side 1: - Titan side 2:
Get the Warlock here
Warlock side 1: - Warlock side 2:
Looks a bit different out in daylight...or it could be my blurry hand :P
Complete thread:
- 3D Printed Destiny Pendants ... In METAL! -
2015-04-01, 22:25
- 3D Printed Destiny Pendants ... In METAL! - musicalwahine808, 2015-04-02, 08:23
- links don't work. :(
- Claude Errera, 2015-04-02, 14:58
- Oh no! Fixed here... -
2015-04-03, 00:34
- Fixed the OP links for ya
- Beorn, 2015-04-03, 05:12
- Fixed the OP links for ya
- Oh no! Fixed here... -
2015-04-03, 00:34