
Also... upgrade differences. Wow. (DBO)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 03:35 (3523 days ago) @ Leviathan

It felt like I had finally found my glasses when Destiny booted up on the next-gen. EVERYTHING IS SO CLEAR! SO SHARP!

After being mesmerized by a thousand details in the Tower I had never seen before, and impressed by how quick all my weapons and armor loaded, I went to the Moon. I audibly gasped when I looked up and saw this above me:


That is NOT there in the 360 version. At all. Was not expecting that significant of a change!

I went to Venus next and saw the red ocean moving in great swells with huge splashes out in the distance. And the volcano was actually erupting!


I didn't really have time to play more tonight but I think I'll need to do a playthrough of the whole story to examine everything again. It's like a whole new game!

(Not to mention a game I can screenshot now!)

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