
Congrats! (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 17:26 (3343 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

That is a lot of bounties!

I run bounties regularly, but usually only 3-4 a day. I skip the ones that seem to be unfun for me -- usually the story missions or ones that seem too grind-y. Usually I can pick up 3-4, go do a set of 6 patrol missions and have them all more or less completed by the time I'm done with the patrol missions. I've occasionally pushed harder and crossed the line into unfun territory, so I don't sweat it usually anymore and just do the ones that are fun.

I'm still collecting exotics, 3 more including nechrochasm and the elusive mythoclast. I'll have to maybe try harder with the mythoclast now that it may be upgradeable.

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