
My concern (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:21 (3600 days ago)
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:25

It wouldn't be right if I were completely satisfied, would it? :-p

My concern is that too much of the House of Wolves experience will revolve around grinding to upgrade, with not a lot of new things to do, and the activities that are there mainly being there to service the grind.

I've always wondered what was the point of having great weapons drop from end game content. So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for? If I'm running Prison of Elders every week, and doing Trials of Osiris already, why would I need the new guns? There's a reason you don't get the best stuff from the hardest optional bosses in JPRGs; the game makes them so hard that you have to use your best stuff to defeat them!

I'm just worried that the ability to upgrade old gear is going to replace content that could have been in the game to spend time on instead. I foresee the story missions being easy, and the poor storytelling continuing. This leaves Prison of Elders, which I cannot possibly imagine being as challenging as a raid that is expertly crafted by hand. I guess we'll know more when that's revealed. I'm hoping it's not like firefight.

My fear is that the grind will simply get worse, since so much gear has to be upgraded to 365. Everything you buy looks like it starts at 331 and needs to be ascended. I'm playing out this scenario in my head, and a lot of it just seems pointless… at least with raids I can run them because the activity is inherently challenging. But judging by the activities that drop upgrade materials, it would appear you'd need to do them often.

I wonder if I'm making sense at all. I'm just in general sick of the idea of grinding and upgrading, and would just rather play cool shit. Granted, the system they have is probably the best I could have imagined for what it is, and so they have my admiration. The only thing that would make it better is being able to use commendations to buy legacy gear (which could then be ascended!).


An idea.

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:26 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

What if your invitation to the Trials of Osiris or Prison of Elders came in the form of a new weapon? Or piece of armor? Perhaps make it so you must wear or wield it to gain entry. Thus, you get some of the great gear before the event, a chance to use it elsewhere before taking it to the place it was ultimately designed for.


An idea.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:28 (3600 days ago) @ BeardFade

What if your invitation to the Trials of Osiris or Prison of Elders came in the form of a new weapon? Or piece of armor? Perhaps make it so you must wear or wield it to gain entry. Thus, you get some of the great gear before the event, a chance to use it elsewhere before taking it to the place it was ultimately designed for.

I was thinking more along the lines of tougher, raid like activities that don't drop gear, or perhaps just drop some kind of vanity item or something. Tougher in the sense that you need to utilize all your skills and gear in creative ways, or else you'd be creamed with no chance at all. Oh, so your team has 6 gjallarhorns? That's cute, but that still won't help you!


This concern is very well reasoned, I think

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:28 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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What if the "grind" is an uphill battle?

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:45 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You make a good point about the hardest content giving out the most effective gear being illogical.

I think PoE could fix this, even if it is a firefight-like activity:

Let's suppose that the way PoE works is that you have to fight through waves of enemies in randomised environments, and upon completing a wave receive loot and move on to a new environment with more difficult enemies then the last. However, the "Nightfall" modifier applies, so if your team wipes, you have to start all over again from Wave 1. Each wave tier's loot drop behaves similarly to how they do in raids, so you get 1 "wave 1" drop per week, 1 "wave 2" drop, etc. Getting to the final waves will be VERY difficult, especially just after the expansion drops and we haven't upgraded our gear yet.

As a summary, we're not expected to "finish" the Prison of elders every week, just get as far as we can and use our drops to improve our gear so we can do better and better every week, and eventually hit those final waves.

As to rewards:
Give out the "more effective" gear as rewards for completing earlier, easier "waves", that you can upgrade and eventually use to give you an edge on the later, harder waves. The rewards for these harder waves will be things like bonus etheral light and brag-worthy shaders and class-items.


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by Funkmon @, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:55 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

With rerolling guns, you basically just need one of each type rolled to be perfect. Just one shotgun with great rolls, one HC, and so on. The crucible is going to be 100% full auto pulse rifles and shotguns with rangefinder and shot package. Mini MIRV and homing on all the rockets.

Every new drop is going to be like "yeah, it's all right, but I have literally a perfect version of this with two reload perks and field scout anyway." Then you will disassemble it.

And you won't run out of motes because everything you own can be turned in for more. I have 150 motes. I could reroll 5 guns to perfection with that. Then, I would just turn in 600 shards and do it again twice. Then turn in 600 energy and do it again twice. I'll only be playing my exact custom rolls, exactly the same, on all my characters, and it will be quick, especially when I also have a backlog of OLD perfectly rolled guns kept by virtue of their great rolls that I can upgrade.


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:15 (3600 days ago) @ Funkmon

With rerolling guns, you basically just need one of each type rolled to be perfect. Just one shotgun with great rolls, one HC, and so on. The crucible is going to be 100% full auto pulse rifles and shotguns with rangefinder and shot package. Mini MIRV and homing on all the rockets.

Every new drop is going to be like "yeah, it's all right, but I have literally a perfect version of this with two reload perks and field scout anyway." Then you will disassemble it.

I didn't get a great look, but alot of the new perks on guns seemed very different from the current versions. I'm wondering if maybe they thought of this in advance, and made sure that you couldn't reroll double style perks, i.e. rangefinder/shot package/hammer forged or feeding frenzy/spray&play.

That's my hope at least.

I will reroll weapons but only on a weapon that has a look/appearance that I like. Mostly new monarchy weapons. Love that RED/WHITE coloring.


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:20 (3600 days ago) @ Funkmon

And you won't run out of motes because everything you own can be turned in for more. I have 150 motes. I could reroll 5 guns to perfection with that. Then, I would just turn in 600 shards and do it again twice. Then turn in 600 energy and do it again twice. I'll only be playing my exact custom rolls, exactly the same, on all my characters, and it will be quick, especially when I also have a backlog of OLD perfectly rolled guns kept by virtue of their great rolls that I can upgrade.

I think the whole idea of random perks on guns are a bad idea…

Look at the Iron banner weapons. You basically have to balance the weapon for the best possible perk rolls, because if you don't, everybody will re-reoll the best perks and wreck. Just look at Felwinter's. But if you do that, then people who don't reroll get a shit gun…

The solution is to set the perks on every gun, and tailor the gun stats to mesh with such perks.


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:37 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

And you won't run out of motes because everything you own can be turned in for more. I have 150 motes. I could reroll 5 guns to perfection with that. Then, I would just turn in 600 shards and do it again twice. Then turn in 600 energy and do it again twice. I'll only be playing my exact custom rolls, exactly the same, on all my characters, and it will be quick, especially when I also have a backlog of OLD perfectly rolled guns kept by virtue of their great rolls that I can upgrade.

I think the whole idea of random perks on guns are a bad idea…

Look at the Iron banner weapons. You basically have to balance the weapon for the best possible perk rolls, because if you don't, everybody will re-reoll the best perks and wreck. Just look at Felwinter's. But if you do that, then people who don't reroll get a shit gun…

The solution is to set the perks on every gun, and tailor the gun stats to mesh with such perks.

But I like having both explosive rounds and firefly on my hand cannons and scout rifles, whereas you clearly don't. Even among shotguns, some people have different preferences, so what's wrong with random perks (especially now that we can reforge them)?


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:47 (3600 days ago) @ Speedracer513

But I like having both explosive rounds and firefly on my hand cannons and scout rifles, whereas you clearly don't. Even among shotguns, some people have different preferences, so what's wrong with random perks (especially now that we can reforge them)?

Then pick a gun that was designed with both? There's so many guns in Destiny that are largely the same, they only differ by their perks anyway.


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:53 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Some of us like the look of one gun instead of the other. But we may choose to play with another gun currently because it has better perks. If I can make my gun of choice have the perks I desire, what is wrong with that?

Haven't we all been wanting something similar with our armor? I like the look of these legs/chest but it won't rank up to max so I won't actually wear it when I play. I love the way the new monarchy weapons look, but may not use them because another weapon has better perks. Now I can potentially have a cool looking weapon and have it fit my play style.


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:56 (3600 days ago) @ red robber

Some of us like the look of one gun instead of the other. But we may choose to play with another gun currently because it has better perks. If I can make my gun of choice have the perks I desire, what is wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with that. Random perks vs Fixed perks just trades one problem for the other. I don't have all the answers.

my prefered solution is to let people do what they want

by scarab @, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:57 (3600 days ago) @ Speedracer513

If Bungie had that philosophy then I might actually play their game.

what's wrong with random perks (especially now that we can reforge them)?

Because it just wastes your time rerolling when you could have just picked what you prefer.

If you want WXYZ then you should be able to pick WXYZ instead of

a very long time passes
WXYZ Hoorah!

And if Cody prefers ABCD then he can directly pick that combination and play with that.


I think this won't be an issue

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:57 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You will run out of mats, or have to commit to 1-2 guns being "perfect". Looks like they are adding a ton of new perks and this will, statistically, make it far less likely you will be able to get the perfect roll with a reasonable amount of mats.

As it stands now, I spent ~60 motes to get my timur's lash and jolder's hammer in a place where I thought the perks were "good", and they are not quite perfect. I've spent probably another 40 or so on my gheleon's demise which I plan on rerolling next week, and efreedeet's spear sunk another 25 or so (I got what I wanted fairly quickly which was nice). I think this will be more of a customizability thing, rather than an OP thing.

After all, you get random perks flying all over right now. You will, as a player, just have a little more control.


I think this won't be an issue

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 17:03 (3600 days ago) @ slycrel

As it stands now, I spent ~60 motes to get my timur's lash and jolder's hammer in a place where I thought the perks were "good", and they are not quite perfect.

But the joke is that (in my opinion anyway), there's only a handful or perks that actually matter on such guns. For Timur's, all I was looking for was Field Scout. I got it in about 2 rolls. That's all I cared about on it. Other perks didn't matter so much, and wouldn't make the gun significantly better. Jolder's hammer? Field Scout and perfect balance. Again, very easy to get those two at once. It took only a few rolls.

There are certain guns though, like Felwinter's Lie, that have a beastly combination of specific perks. I'd have tons of mats to roll that with because I don't need to find the 'perfect' roll on other guns.



by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 18:59 (3599 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I guess I'm just particular. For timur's lash, I wanted explosive rounds and armor piercing both -- with acceptable complimentary other perks. My current loadout has both of these along with clown cartridge and who's next (poor man's outlaw). It really did take way more re-rolls than I expected to get something like that (just over 20 rerolls IIRC).

For Gheleon's demise I wanted firefly and armor piercing rounds. Took a too many rolls to get there, and I'll be re-rolling it because the scopes I got all seem to suck, so I don't use it much. Red dot forever apparently.

I got lucky with my efrideet's spear and only had to re-roll 5-6 times. I wanted a replacement for my "the supremacy", so I was shooting for solar. I got spray and play, clown cartridge, and armor piercing rounds, which work great for a 3 round clip.

My jolder's hammer I wanted "void with good perks", and ended up with a void hip fire, surplus, flared magwell build after many rolls. In hindsight, if I had been okay with any of the 3 damage types this would have likely gone faster.

tl;dr -- I'm happy you got lucky. I think this will only get harder to get what you want in the future as the number of perks increases, and isn't going to be game breaking. "good enough" will win and you won't see many of those perfect rolls floating around.


I'm afraid of the opposite.

by ProbablyLast, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 19:58 (3599 days ago) @ Funkmon

I guess I don't see how this is any different than the current state of primaries. How many different non-elemental, non-exotic hand cannons are you actively using?

This concern is well reasoned, but with bad input

by Earendil, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:55 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It wouldn't be right if I were completely satisfied, would it? :-p

My concern is that too much of the House of Wolves experience will revolve around grinding to upgrade, with not a lot of new things to do, and the activities that are there mainly being there to service the grind.

So far almost the entirety of the information we have is on
1. Gear
2. How to upgrade gear

We have no big reveals on the content yet, so of course everything we know about HoW is upgrade centric!

I've always wondered what was the point of having great weapons drop from end game content. So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for? If I'm running Prison of Elders every week, and doing Trials of Osiris already, why would I need the new guns? There's a reason you don't get the best stuff from the hardest optional bosses in JPRGs; the game makes them so hard that you have to use your best stuff to defeat them!

Okay, this is a good point, but is it all that uncommon? Perhaps it's not in JRPGs but in games like Diablo and Borderlands (my experience is limited) good weapons dropped on final bosses.

The other thing not to forget is that there is in fact two tiers to the Raids. You can get almost all the "best gear" from running the normal raid, which if you're an average player you'll need to do in order to acquire the final bragging right of beating it on Legendary.

I can't imagine Trials of Osiris being a single difficulty, or if it is, I can't imagine it being limited in a way that makes it "beatable". If there is a single starting difficulty than I wold expect enemies to become progressively higher level and more difficult, making the bragging right (and the desire for better guns) be that you can make it further through the Trials.

I'm just worried that the ability to upgrade old gear is going to replace content that could have been in the game to spend time on instead. I foresee the story missions being easy, and the poor storytelling continuing. This leaves Prison of Elders, which I cannot possibly imagine being as challenging as a raid that is expertly crafted by hand. I guess we'll know more when that's revealed. I'm hoping it's not like firefight.

My fear is that the grind will simply get worse, since so much gear has to be upgraded to 365. Everything you buy looks like it starts at 331 and needs to be ascended. I'm playing out this scenario in my head, and a lot of it just seems pointless… at least with raids I can run them because the activity is inherently challenging. But judging by the activities that drop upgrade materials, it would appear you'd need to do them often.

You assume that Trials and the Strike won't be challenging. I suspect they will be more challenging than VoG given the current level of the VoG. And after what I saw yesterday, I can't imagine the grind being worse. Prior to HoW this was the upgrade path

Legendaries: No upgrade on existing. You go buy a new 331 legendary, get all the exp, and then upgrade every last node.
Exotics: Only took shards, but then you still had to get all the exp again, and upgrade every node again!

With the new system

Legendaries: you can take an existing 300 or 331, and with a much smaller quantity of material upgrade it without the need for exp, and no need to pay for every single node again.
Exotics: Same as Legendaries.

Now think about the transition from level 1 to level 20 upgrade path.
You had a 100 dmg gun, and you wanted it to be 300? Tough luck, you had to toss it out, get a new one, and exp each node and pay for each node. Now this method is still in place, however I write it down as an example of the "norm".

And don't forget that materials can now be interchanged! So now the pay out for any grind is in a currency that CAN be used for almost any upgrade path. The barrier to 366 weapons via a unique material is expected, and prevents everyone from having end game weapons on day one. This is acceptable to me. It's also extremely simplified. The whole Ascendant energy/shards was hard to deal with because depending on the weapon it would take a different quantity of each. You also didn't earn them in a predictable way, so it was harder to plan the upgrade path for each weapon.

Conclusion: IMHO end game grinding is less than early game grinding, and better than pre-HoW end game grinding. And material exchange makes it all the better.

I wonder if I'm making sense at all. I'm just in general sick of the idea of grinding and upgrading, and would just rather play cool shit. Granted, the system they have is probably the best I could have imagined for what it is, and so they have my admiration. The only thing that would make it better is being able to use commendations to buy legacy gear (which could then be ascended!).

You make complete sense. I'd just hold off on the idea off on the grind feeling until we know more about the content, and perhaps have even played it. Though I doubt it, what if just playing through all the fun content once provides you with the material to upgrade 20 guns to max level? It's unlikely, but we just don't know yet. Conversely one play through may equate to a single gun upgrade, in which case the grind will be harsh. Grind has a lot less to do with cost and material than it does to do with the ratio of earned to cost. None of us grind for weapons parts or spirit blooms, because during the normal course of play we acquire all we need.


My concern

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:56 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It wouldn't be right if I were completely satisfied, would it? :-p

My concern is that too much of the House of Wolves experience will revolve around grinding to upgrade, with not a lot of new things to do, and the activities that are there mainly being there to service the grind.

I've always wondered what was the point of having great weapons drop from end game content. So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for? If I'm running Prison of Elders every week, and doing Trials of Osiris already, why would I need the new guns? There's a reason you don't get the best stuff from the hardest optional bosses in JPRGs; the game makes them so hard that you have to use your best stuff to defeat them!

I'm just worried that the ability to upgrade old gear is going to replace content that could have been in the game to spend time on instead. I foresee the story missions being easy, and the poor storytelling continuing. This leaves Prison of Elders, which I cannot possibly imagine being as challenging as a raid that is expertly crafted by hand. I guess we'll know more when that's revealed. I'm hoping it's not like firefight.

My fear is that the grind will simply get worse, since so much gear has to be upgraded to 365. Everything you buy looks like it starts at 331 and needs to be ascended. I'm playing out this scenario in my head, and a lot of it just seems pointless… at least with raids I can run them because the activity is inherently challenging. But judging by the activities that drop upgrade materials, it would appear you'd need to do them often.

I wonder if I'm making sense at all. I'm just in general sick of the idea of grinding and upgrading, and would just rather play cool shit. Granted, the system they have is probably the best I could have imagined for what it is, and so they have my admiration. The only thing that would make it better is being able to use commendations to buy legacy gear (which could then be ascended!).

Not saying you're wrong obviously (because there is still a lot left to reveal so none of us know much about it yet), but...

I can't really understand how you can have that concern if you watched the stream yesterday. Everything they showed made it supremely clear that so much of the grind (at least in regard to upgrading weapons and armor) has been eliminated. Your old weapons and armor that you choose to "Ascend" will not need to be re-leveled. New weapons and armor you buy will have half the upgrade nodes that they used to (it appears that the upgrade attack and defense bubbles are completely gone).

The only thing that seems like it might be quite a grind is the actually obtaining of "Etheric Light" - which we will acquire through running the new (and existing) end-game content -- and which we haven't seen yet. I haven't seen any of the Trials of Osiris or Prison of Elders stuff yet (and neither has anyone outside of Bungie with the exception of Gothalion (who saw it yesterday) and Datto, Byf, MoreConsole and some other YouTubers that are going to Bungie today). From what Goth has been saying on his stream today, which obviously isn't much because of NDA, I think it's quite reasonable to expect that Prison of Elders is going to be pretty cool. According to the only non-Bungie person to play it so far, there are lots of cool surprises that will make us - especially those of us that like the raids because of the unique mechanics and emphasis on team-play - very happy.

It seems to me that if it's really important to you to hit level cap ASAP, you should be able to do it within a week or two because you can just apply the first four Etheric Lights that you get to your armor (and won't even need to level anything else up for those pieces). In any case, I think what you really need to do is just take a step back from the "race" to have all your stuff completely upgraded to the new cap and just enjoy running Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders with us.


My concern

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:15 (3600 days ago) @ Speedracer513

In any case, I think what you really need to do is just take a step back from the "race" to have all your stuff completely upgraded to the new cap and just enjoy running Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders with us.

Believe me, the last thing I want to do is race through a video game.


What about Forza? :)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:22 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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I'm a Gran Turismo man

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:23 (3600 days ago) @ red robber

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Oh yeah, PS4.

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:31 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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You're missing out ;p

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 17:36 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Seriously though, Forza Horizon 2 is a blast. I'm not much of a "car" guy, but I love games that capture the thrill of driving and racing at high speeds. FH2 does a great job of walking the line between "arcade" and "sim" racer, capturing a lot of the fun of both. You should check it out if you ever get a chance.


You're missing out ;p

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 22:00 (3599 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Add me if you want some real competition. ;)


You're missing out ;p

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 23:27 (3599 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Seriously though, Forza Horizon 2 is a blast. I'm not much of a "car" guy, but I love games that capture the thrill of driving and racing at high speeds. FH2 does a great job of walking the line between "arcade" and "sim" racer, capturing a lot of the fun of both. You should check it out if you ever get a chance.

Nah, I don't feel like buying a wheel for Xbox 360.


My concern

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:32 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

In any case, I think what you really need to do is just take a step back from the "race" to have all your stuff completely upgraded to the new cap and just enjoy running Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders with us.

Believe me, the last thing I want to do is race through a video game.

I don't believe that sentence one bit, and I would be shocked if you did yourself. It doesn't jive at all with your behavior.

You are one of the only people on these forums that ran multiples of the same character class - so that you could race to the level cap. You claim it was only so that you could run the only interesting thing in the game (the raids) -- but I have been raiding just as much as you without resorting to the race/grind.

Your main complaint about things in this game relate to the timed lockouts and other things that prevent you from being able to get through the content as quick as you want to. You maintain that a well-designed game will allow you to get through the content as quick as you want and then you can put it down and move onto something else.

You may not enjoy being a "speedrunner" anymore, but anyone here can see that one of the main reasons you get frustrated with this game is because you burn out quickly. You "beat" the game on day one (because you went out of your way to find a store that would break street date and so you got started on the game a day or two early); you hit 30 a week before most of the rest of us - because you ran multiples of the same class and jumped in LFG groups all the time because you weren't patient enough to run the raids with us at our normal playtimes.

Obviously, you have some other major concerns with the game that are not "race" related, but more "investment system" related (and I'm not saying those concerns are without merit) - but you can't honestly claim that you don't race through the content and burn out on it quicker than you would if you just tweaked your play style just a little.


My concern

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:45 (3600 days ago) @ Speedracer513
edited by Cody Miller, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:59

I don't see the contradiction.

If I were to spend an entire day playing a new game, I could take my time, enjoy everything it has to offer, and finish in 20 hours. (for example, I probably wouldn't do that). There is zero difference between 20 hours over one day, and 20 hours over one week. Neither is 'rushing'. So if I were to finish said game in a day, I would no more have rushed through it than someone who spent a week. Watching all of House of Cards in a binge is exactly the same as doing one episode a day. You experience the same amount of stuff.

I have two hunters. I can get double the stuff. So what? That doesn't mean I don't take in everything the game offers me. All it means is I don't want my time wasted, because when you reach the end game, you're already at the end. You've seen it all. Hence, there's nothing to rush through.

It took me 9 hours to finish the Vault of Glass my first time. I know tons of people who went and did it after the strategies were found and did it in far less. And because I did it immediately upon release, I rushed through it?!

If I took my sparrow and sped to the end of every story mission just to get to level 20 right away, then you'd have a point. But that's not what I did at all, both with Destiny and with Dark Below.


My concern

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 17:15 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You hate the idea of player investment and replaying content just to unlock new content and having to wait for resets to get to the good stuff. You made that clear to us over and over and over. The problem isn't you got their first, the problem is you got their first by doing the exact things you claim to hate and then once you got there you just complained more. Nobody cares how long it took you to beat a Raid or how long it took you to reach level 28 or 30 or 32. Nobody is criticizing you for that. We're criticizing you because you're a hypocrite!

If you were serious about all the stuff you say around here you would be playing a different game and you wouldn't be complaining and worrying about Destiny.


My concern

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 17:56 (3600 days ago) @ Ragashingo

You hate the idea of player investment and replaying content just to unlock new content and having to wait for resets to get to the good stuff. You made that clear to us over and over and over. The problem isn't you got their first, the problem is you got their first by doing the exact things you claim to hate and then once you got there you just complained more. Nobody cares how long it took you to beat a Raid or how long it took you to reach level 28 or 30 or 32. Nobody is criticizing you for that. We're criticizing you because you're a hypocrite!

If you were serious about all the stuff you say around here you would be playing a different game and you wouldn't be complaining and worrying about Destiny.

He has said this before. You've also said this before, as have others. He always says that he didn't want to be spoiled and he wanted to get to the endgame, and he's disappointed the endgame isn't better and it was so unfulfilling to get to it.
If you were so serious about not liking these posts and threads you wouldn't read them. (I closed the thread halfway through and only looked again because someone was talking about it elsewhere.)



by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:45 (3600 days ago) @ Speedracer513

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My concern

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 15:58 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for?

As far as this specific concern goes, I don't think it's less a matter of "giving you the tools you need", just "more tools" (or "toys" depending on how you look at it).

We didn't NEED Gjallarhorn or Black Hammer to beat VoG, but having them sure allows us to pull things off that we never could have before. In a way, the weapons themselves add a substantial amount of replay value to the game. Nevermind the grind we go through to get them, but actually using them adds a lot of variety.

My hope is that the Prison of Elders will be a game mode that inherently offers a decent amount of replayability. Now that we can upgrade whatever gear we choose, we have the freedom to create whatever custom character loadouts we want to play with. We're being given the freedom to create our own replayability, in a way.


My concern

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:11 (3600 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for?

As far as this specific concern goes, I don't think it's less a matter of "giving you the tools you need", just "more tools" (or "toys" depending on how you look at it).

We didn't NEED Gjallarhorn or Black Hammer to beat VoG, but having them sure allows us to pull things off that we never could have before. In a way, the weapons themselves add a substantial amount of replay value to the game. Nevermind the grind we go through to get them, but actually using them adds a lot of variety.

This is true, but we are only really doing cool things with these weapons in challenging situations - the raids. Again, I don't know what the Prison of Elders is going to be like but my nagging suspicion is that it will be less challenging (challenging, not difficult) than a raid would.


My concern

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 17:45 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for?

As far as this specific concern goes, I don't think it's less a matter of "giving you the tools you need", just "more tools" (or "toys" depending on how you look at it).

We didn't NEED Gjallarhorn or Black Hammer to beat VoG, but having them sure allows us to pull things off that we never could have before. In a way, the weapons themselves add a substantial amount of replay value to the game. Nevermind the grind we go through to get them, but actually using them adds a lot of variety.

This is true, but we are only really doing cool things with these weapons in challenging situations - the raids.

I think that changes from person to person. I still really enjoy jumping into the ROC Strike playlist, because it's challenging enough to keep me awake, but relaxed enough that I can goof around with weapons and abilities I wouldn't normally risk during a raid.

Again, I don't know what the Prison of Elders is going to be like but my nagging suspicion is that it will be less challenging (challenging, not difficult) than a raid would.

My hope, as others have suggested, is that PoE will be a game mode that ramps in difficulty the further you progress. Think back to ODST Firefight... you could jump in with just about anyone, make it through the first set, and feel like you'd done decently well. But only the best of the best teams were going to complete the Endure achievement. Getting that far required much higher levels of teamwork and coordination.


My concern

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, April 24, 2015, 13:27 (3599 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

My hope, as others have suggested, is that PoE will be a game mode that ramps in difficulty the further you progress. Think back to ODST Firefight... you could jump in with just about anyone, make it through the first set, and feel like you'd done decently well. But only the best of the best teams were going to complete the Endure achievement. Getting that far required much higher levels of teamwork and coordination.

Right, but my point was about challenge vs difficulty. ODST firefight ramped up the difficulty over the course of the game. Raids ramp up the challenge.


Aren't the Raids upgrading?

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Saturday, April 25, 2015, 16:20 (3598 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I was under the impression both Raids were going to be raised to 34.

Now that I think about it, a "Very Hard" mode for both current Raids would be pretty cool and within what they announced.


Aren't the Raids upgrading?

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, April 25, 2015, 17:13 (3598 days ago) @ ZackDark

I was under the impression both Raids were going to be raised to 34.

Now that I think about it, a "Very Hard" mode for both current Raids would be pretty cool and within what they announced.

This is something I'd love to see, although I don't think Bungie has said anything about it one way or the other.


Aren't the Raids upgrading?

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, April 27, 2015, 04:00 (3596 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

They haven't. As far as I'm aware, this was just a theory being floated by fans, as a way to have future raid drops already be at new stats (and not require upgrading via etheric light).


Two thoughts...

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:07 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I've always wondered what was the point of having great weapons drop from end game content. So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for? If I'm running Prison of Elders every week, and doing Trials of Osiris already, why would I need the new guns? There's a reason you don't get the best stuff from the hardest optional bosses in JPRGs; the game makes them so hard that you have to use your best stuff to defeat them!

A little tangent, but I think it's relevant here... I've been thinking about crota hard recently. I think the way it's done isn't the way that's "intended". I think the abyss defiant was supposed to be key to that encounter -- kill the boomers, take out the wizards with an abyss defiant or two, then go after crota.

But nobody wanted to use a particular weapon (other than gjallarhorn I guess) for this encounter. I think dragon's breath was also supposed to work for the crota fight to take down his shields, along with fang of ir yut and oversoul edict being arc (which is what his shields are IIRC).

So I think bungie is working towards making certain weapons more relevant and working well in certain encounters. I don't necessarily agree that the way they did it was ideal, but I think it's on their radar and they'd like to make where and when you get weapons matter. I have hopes they learned from this and will use a bigger clue-stick next time. Bonus points for them not making it all tied to the one raid, but more throughout the game.

My other thought that I haven't seen mentioned much around here is the tooltip on the upgrade materials. Looks like "Year 1" weapons will top out with house of wolves caps of 365. Meaning this is the new normal -- most vendor based things and drops will cap at 331 (for the moment) and will require upgrade materials to get to 365. I wouldn't be surprised if -ALL- drops other than 1-2 work this way, both for weapons and armor in the expansion. The grind changes, and I expect certain events (i.e. VoG) will be come more popular because the drops will suddenly be relevant again. The new exchange system supports all this as well -- shards and energy are currency now, and will be more valuable, making the old content more viable.


Also, they are purposely time-gating upgrades. No surprise.

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:12 (3600 days ago) @ slycrel

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Minor Correction: Crota's shields are not elemental.

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:14 (3600 days ago) @ slycrel

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Thanks, I did not know that

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 18:44 (3599 days ago) @ CyberKN

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That Year 1 mention...

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:30 (3600 days ago) @ slycrel

My other thought that I haven't seen mentioned much around here is the tooltip on the upgrade materials. Looks like "Year 1" weapons will top out with house of wolves caps of 365. Meaning this is the new normal

This was intriguing to me when I caught it in the twitch reveal. If our new level with HoW is 34 and weapons max at 365, then should we possibly expect one more DLC that gives us armor and activities at the lvl 36 range? Seems to me that is what this is pointing at.


That Year 1 mention...

by bluerunner @, Music City, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:37 (3600 days ago) @ red robber

I'm assuming that's the Comet expansion. I think Year 1 means "Destiny 1". That way they're not tied down to this system in the sequels if it doesn't work out.


That Year 1 mention...

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:52 (3600 days ago) @ red robber

I expect that we will probably see another content expansion this fall. On the fence if it will be paid or simply an upgrade for everyone currently playing. Some sort of "bonus" content to keep people playing. I expect to see comet next year sometime. But who knows.


That Year 1 mention...

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Saturday, April 25, 2015, 07:18 (3598 days ago) @ red robber

Yeah. I'm taking that phrasing as indirect confirmation that Comet exists. Or, at least, SOME sort of further content beyond HoW.


I really think you're on to something here

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 17:58 (3600 days ago) @ slycrel

I've also said that I don't feel like we're completing Crota hard mode the way Bungie had planned. Looking at the Crota raid weapons, I can't help but feel like they're all pieces of a puzzle that nobody has quite put together yet.

The thing is, the final Crota battle is so ball-bustingly punishing on hard mode that the last thing anyone wants to do when we get there is experiment.

Of course, the ironic thing is that the strategy we all use now could in fact be a lot more reliable than whatever Bungie had intended lol

I really think you're on to something here

by DreadPirateWes, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 18:05 (3600 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

The thing is, the final Crota battle is so ball-bustingly punishing on hard mode that the last thing anyone wants to do when we get there is experiment.

I experimented the other day using the Song of Ir Yut to take down Crota's shields in HM... it was terrible! I still feel like it was made for that purpose, but OMG it is so much harder to use than tracking rockets. I swapped back to Gjallarhorn the second I was safe after Crota rotated.


I really think you're on to something here

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, April 23, 2015, 18:25 (3599 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

The thing is, the final Crota battle is so ball-bustingly punishing on hard mode that the last thing anyone wants to do when we get there is experiment.

I experimented the other day using the Song of Ir Yut to take down Crota's shields in HM... it was terrible! I still feel like it was made for that purpose, but OMG it is so much harder to use than tracking rockets. I swapped back to Gjallarhorn the second I was safe after Crota rotated.

I've often wondered if the constant burn of Dragon's Breath was intended to prevent Crota's shields from regenerating. I've never tried it as I prefer a RL that tracks or has proximity detonation so I don't accidentally miss Crota.


I really think you're on to something here

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 18:28 (3599 days ago) @ dogcow

The thing is, the final Crota battle is so ball-bustingly punishing on hard mode that the last thing anyone wants to do when we get there is experiment.

I experimented the other day using the Song of Ir Yut to take down Crota's shields in HM... it was terrible! I still feel like it was made for that purpose, but OMG it is so much harder to use than tracking rockets. I swapped back to Gjallarhorn the second I was safe after Crota rotated.

I've often wondered if the constant burn of Dragon's Breath was intended to prevent Crota's shields from regenerating. I've never tried it as I prefer a RL that tracks or has proximity detonation so I don't accidentally miss Crota.

If that was it's intended purpose, Dragon's breath could use a few tweaks. Allow the user to swap between tripod or tracking, and make anything that touches it's solar flare get a burning debuff.


I really think you're on to something here

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, April 24, 2015, 18:56 (3598 days ago) @ CyberKN

The thing is, the final Crota battle is so ball-bustingly punishing on hard mode that the last thing anyone wants to do when we get there is experiment.

I experimented the other day using the Song of Ir Yut to take down Crota's shields in HM... it was terrible! I still feel like it was made for that purpose, but OMG it is so much harder to use than tracking rockets. I swapped back to Gjallarhorn the second I was safe after Crota rotated.

I've often wondered if the constant burn of Dragon's Breath was intended to prevent Crota's shields from regenerating. I've never tried it as I prefer a RL that tracks or has proximity detonation so I don't accidentally miss Crota.

If that was it's intended purpose, Dragon's breath could use a few tweaks. Allow the user to swap between tripod or tracking, and make anything that touches it's solar flare get a burning debuff.

I see Dragon's Breath as being useful in other ways throughout the raid. It's great for taking down shriekers... actually safer than Gjallarhorn in some ways, since you don't have to zoom/lock on. Just point, fire, then GTFO. Also for clearing out lanterns in the abyss; Fire a couple rockets ahead as you run towards a lamp to create safe "pockets" along the path or around the lamp.

As far as Crota himself goes, I think Hunger of Crota was the intended go-to for bringing down his shields. The tracking is a must-have, and he's a big enough target that the cluster bombs actually hit him and do a little extra damage.


The "Crota hard strategy is boring" tangent

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 19:09 (3599 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Yeah, it probably is "safer" even if a bit more boring.

I think, if we can get a group together, we should set up a time to play with crota and see about new strategies. I've never even seen a wizard on hard mode as I was not yet 32 when it came out, so missed the playing around stage.

Maybe I'll surf the net for other alternate strategies too in the near future.


A Word of Caution

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 19:48 (3599 days ago) @ slycrel

I think, if we can get a group together, we should set up a time to play with crota and see about new strategies. I've never even seen a wizard on hard mode as I was not yet 32 when it came out, so missed the playing around stage.

I wanted to play around a bit during a hard mode run a week or so ago and decided to see if anything happened if you kill the gatekeeper with the sword before hitting Crota. The group agreed to let me try it and, after getting a couple of good hits on him before getting taken out by a single swing of the gatekeeper, someone else picked up the sword and finished him off...at which point I was immediately kicked to the title screen and had to hard boot my Xbox to get Destiny to start again.

I'm not necessarily saying that getting kicked had anything to do with killing the Gatekeeper, but it was an interesting coincidence ;)



I'm shocked that the sword does damage to the gatekeeper...

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 19:54 (3599 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

...I wonder if that means anything? >:)


I'm shocked that the sword does damage to the gatekeeper...

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, April 24, 2015, 18:58 (3598 days ago) @ slycrel

...I wonder if that means anything? >:)

I was thinking about this during our raid last night. But as Funkmon pointed out, a new one immediately takes his place.


I killed him once. A new one immediately spawned.

by Funkmon @, Friday, April 24, 2015, 06:09 (3599 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

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My concern

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:34 (3600 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It wouldn't be right if I were completely satisfied, would it? :-p

Heh. Indeed. :p

My concern is that too much of the House of Wolves experience will revolve around grinding to upgrade, with not a lot of new things to do, and the activities that are there mainly being there to service the grind.

I've always wondered what was the point of having great weapons drop from end game content. So you've just done the hardest content in the game. But then, what do you need the best guns for? If I'm running Prison of Elders every week, and doing Trials of Osiris already, why would I need the new guns? There's a reason you don't get the best stuff from the hardest optional bosses in JPRGs; the game makes them so hard that you have to use your best stuff to defeat them!

Well, it's like when we all started doing Vault of Glass. Everyone started with mostly blue armor and blue weapons and even once the puzzles had been solved just surviving was still a decent challenge because everyone was weaker and did less damage. Then there was hard mode. Improving your armor and weapons wasn't strictly necessary but it also wasn't pointless. Same for Crota's End if not even more so since enemies there actually outlevel you. The grind still had relevance. I imagine it will be similar for the Prison of Elders...

I'm just worried that the ability to upgrade old gear is going to replace content that could have been in the game to spend time on instead. I foresee the story missions being easy, and the poor storytelling continuing. This leaves Prison of Elders, which I cannot possibly imagine being as challenging as a raid that is expertly crafted by hand. I guess we'll know more when that's revealed. I'm hoping it's not like firefight.

My fear is that the grind will simply get worse, since so much gear has to be upgraded to 365. Everything you buy looks like it starts at 331 and needs to be ascended. I'm playing out this scenario in my head, and a lot of it just seems pointless… at least with raids I can run them because the activity is inherently challenging. But judging by the activities that drop upgrade materials, it would appear you'd need to do them often.

Even if the Prison of Elders is Firefight, wasn't Firefight challenging? To me it was more challenging than any Halo mission or Destiny Raid because I never survived through an entire Firefight... ever. In some ways Firefight was the purest form of Halo combat.

I wonder if I'm making sense at all. I'm just in general sick of the idea of grinding and upgrading, and would just rather play cool shit. Granted, the system they have is probably the best I could have imagined for what it is, and so they have my admiration. The only thing that would make it better is being able to use commendations to buy legacy gear (which could then be ascended!).

I guess from my point of view I don't see grinding as necessary. I do Crota and Crucible and Iron Banner at level 31 most of the time. Perhaps consider just playing when you feel like it or when you have a good group to play with and letting the grind and upgrades come to you naturally? Instead of seeking them out?

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