
Looking for Clan / Raid Group - XB1 (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 14:25 (3321 days ago) @ RagingAvatar

I like this game but my friends have stopped playing.
I need a clan! Anyone got any space?

This happened to Slycrel & I, we had a group of 6 & lost 4 of them to life crisis or dislike/disinterest of the game. DBO & the Fireteam Builder has been a godsend for us. We've been Bungie.Org lurkers from way back in the Marathon Story Page days, but it took losing our group to get us involved here. The Bungie.Org community is really great, I hope to see you around (tho' I likely won't be gaming with you as I'm primarily on PS4).

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