Bounty Time...Time. (Recruitment)
it's impossible for everyone to be on Destiny every day.
Speak for yourself. :P
I feel like doing this would actually make the game more of a chore since we have shifts. If I am doing bounties, I'm listening to an audiobook or Ted Nugent songs about killing things, but if there's someone on my friends list online who I think wants me to hang out with him/her, I'll send an invite his or her way. Surely the friends list has this utility, doesn't it?
Complete thread:
- Bounty Time...Time. -
2015-05-14, 15:29
- Bounty Time...Time. - Funkmon, 2015-05-14, 16:55
- Bounty Time...Time. -
2015-05-14, 17:04
- Bounty Time...Time. -
2015-05-14, 18:36
- Bounty Time...Time. -
2015-05-14, 18:57
- Bounty Time...Time. - Morpheus, 2015-05-16, 04:17
- Bounty Time...Time. -
2015-05-14, 18:57
- Bounty Time...Time. -
2015-05-14, 18:36