
We haven't seen the opening cinematic yet (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, May 14, 2015, 23:26 (3320 days ago)

Derek Carroll and Chris Barrett answered some questions from xboxachievements.com, and while the interview doesn't reveal much new information I did find this one piece pretty interesting:

"Will there be any cutscenes?

CB: What we wanted to do is something we didn’t have in The Dark Below - a new cinematic that set up the state of the world. What is the story that’s just about to happen? Why do you care? It’s a call to action for Guardians. The cinematic kicks off the experience and really sums up the whole story. We haven’t released that yet, but it’ll be one of the first things players see when they begin the experience. I think it turned out pretty cool."

You can go read the full interview also.

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