
Heavy Pike. *IMGs* (Destiny)

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Friday, May 15, 2015, 16:59 (3422 days ago)

So I was in the Ember Caves region of Venus, hunting down Beltrik, The Veiled, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed the "Drivable Vehicle" icon hidden off in one of the caves. Curious I made my way there and found a vehicle I hadn't seen in the game before.

A Heavy Pike:


Needless to say I was pretty excited, I took a couple more screen shots and then hopped on to take it for a spin.


It handles like a cross between a Pike and an Interceptor. A little slower than the former, and a little faster than the later. It's armaments are likewise a pleasant mix of the two, it's got heavy arc cannons that fire similar to a normal Pike, but at a more subdued RoF and with a more explosive payload.

But the biggest difference was that this Pike carries mines! Explosive bouncing mines like the Walker Tanks! You drop them when you hit you're left and right boosters. It's been lots of fun tearing through the Venus countryside laying waste to all before me!



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