
Dinklebot *minor sp* (Destiny)

by SIX min WHISTLE @, Michigan, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 12:45 (3327 days ago)

I've done all the major story stuff besides the high level Prison of Elders, and so far zero Ghost dialogue, just like Dark Below. I was a bit worried this would happen the moment a celebrity was announced as his VA. The base game pretty clearly tried to paint him as a partner, like Cortana. It's just lame that our Ghost can't speak any more.

I kind of thought a while back that they may have already recorded him for these areas, since some of them were the same ones we broke into with glitches months ago.

Other than that though, I'm thourghly enjoying HoW. The new story missions felt better than DB, even if a couple were in totally reused areas. The overall tweaks to economy, grinding, and gear progression are big improvements for me. I'll be playing regularly again now at least.

And about the on-disc areas. The fact that they were as done as they were, along with the Reef hub being in trailers before release, really makes me think that HoW, or at least a chunk of it, was supposed to be here at launch, and was cut for time. I hope we get a confirmation of the rumored cuts eventually, even if it's years down the line.


Dinklebot *minor sp*

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 13:12 (3327 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

I've done all the major story stuff besides the high level Prison of Elders, and so far zero Ghost dialogue, just like Dark Below. I was a bit worried this would happen the moment a celebrity was announced as his VA. The base game pretty clearly tried to paint him as a partner, like Cortana. It's just lame that our Ghost can't speak any more.

The only new line of dialogue that he has had was at the beginning of the Undying Mind strike. Other than that, he ded. I imagine they have a number of cut lines in reserve, but who knows if they'll find a place/time to use them.

I kind of thought a while back that they may have already recorded him for these areas, since some of them were the same ones we broke into with glitches months ago.

Other than that though, I'm thourghly enjoying HoW. The new story missions felt better than DB, even if a couple were in totally reused areas. The overall tweaks to economy, grinding, and gear progression are big improvements for me. I'll be playing regularly again now at least.

And about the on-disc areas. The fact that they were as done as they were, along with the Reef hub being in trailers before release, really makes me think that HoW, or at least a chunk of it, was supposed to be here at launch, and was cut for time. I hope we get a confirmation of the rumored cuts eventually, even if it's years down the line.

Bungie has addressed this numerous times, through numerous avenues. I honestly don't know why this "on-disk" crap is still a thing...



by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 13:55 (3327 days ago) @ Korny

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Dinklebot *minor sp*

by SIX min WHISTLE @, Michigan, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 14:36 (3327 days ago) @ Korny

Because it was on the disc, just giving us an excuse doesn't make it go away.

I'm not that bothered by Destiny because it was clearly not finished, just some of the level geometry was in, I was just wondering about the originally planned scope of the base game, it seems like HoW elements were planned for the full game, but they didn't have enough time to finish it. The Reef in the trailer, the on-disc locations (one of which had enemies spawn including a boss), and the in engine Crow cutscene that are still MIA. Hell, probably the same thing with Dark Below. It was possible to get into Raputin's Bunker in the BETA.

It only really bothers me when something was obviously held back for paid DLC, like the day one Javik DLC for Mass Effect 3, of which some was also on the disc and the early leaked script had him as a major element. I don't get the sense that HoW was cut to be sold separately. All the meat of HoW is brand new. I am wondering why they decided to remove the Ghost Shell from the Cosmodrome area though.

I bet if Halo 2 had come out in this era, we'd have gotten a story DLC with the last few missions that were planned.


HoW *major sp* in this post

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 14:53 (3327 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

Watching the wolves break into the Vault of Glass was the first real instance of the normal PvE game leading into that raid. Then, inside, there are actually VO instructions that explain about shooting oracles. I would not be surprised to learn that this mission was supposed to be a lead-in to the VoG in the original game, and that 80+% of the HoW expansion was supposed to be in the original game as well. Sure, there are some new items and characters, but in terms of missions it all feels like stuff that probably should have been in the game to start with. The follow up mission also trained you for the jumping puzzle... Honestly they both seem like missions players should have seen before they ever attempted the VoG.

I had a different impression

by Earendil, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:27 (3327 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I saw it as a way to get people to try VoG again if they never finished it. Giving you a taste and a reminder that if you can do this, you may be able to do VoG.

The dialog from our allies implies that we're supposed to already know what entering the vault means, and that Time is involved. They also destroy the door, which if that were supposed to happen prior to the VoG run would mean that the door should be damaged.

Of course, let's be honest, it's silly to discuss chronological order when it comes to VoG ;-)


I had a different impression

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:37 (3327 days ago) @ Earendil

Yeah. It's funny. As I was doing it this struck me as a way for people who haven't leveled up enough to get into the raid or couldn't get enough people together to go into the rate without matchmaking to get a taste of what it's like either as a substitute or as a lead in. I suppose either interpretation is equally plausible.


HoW *major sp* in this post

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:30 (3327 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Watching the wolves break into the Vault of Glass was the first real instance of the normal PvE game leading into that raid. Then, inside, there are actually VO instructions that explain about shooting oracles. I would not be surprised to learn that this mission was supposed to be a lead-in to the VoG in the original game, and that 80+% of the HoW expansion was supposed to be in the original game as well. Sure, there are some new items and characters, but in terms of missions it all feels like stuff that probably should have been in the game to start with. The follow up mission also trained you for the jumping puzzle... Honestly they both seem like missions players should have seen before they ever attempted the VoG.

That wasn't what it seemed like to me, at all. Like, zero.

The VoG was all about running into things you weren't familiar with and learning. What would have been the point of showing you how to do half of it before you had a chance to tackle it? What they had were game mechanics at their disposal that they can reuse if they find a way to do so. The Terminus (Terminal?) area with the new jumping platforms looked completely different at launch, and the VO comments on the similarities to the puzzle in the VoG. Why would she do that unless players were assumed to be familiar with it?

It's somewhat annoying that Bungie has unused areas in the game (as tons of games do; remember the island in Goldeneye?) and people whine about them being inaccessible or unused. "On-disk DLC!" They cry, when Bungie probably scrapped plans to use the area, or found bugs or lack of polish, or a myriad of reasons that they didn't use or finish certain areas. And now that they finally DO use the areas (and reuse existing mechanics), people whine once more about how "it should have been there at launch!"... It's asinine.

HoW *major sp* in this post

by Warbow, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:35 (3327 days ago) @ Korny

And now that they finally DO use the areas (and reuse existing mechanics), people whine once more about how "it should have been there at launch!"... It's asinine.

I'm glad it was on the disc. I don't have the bandwidth to download 10Gb or more of data. I'd be still be waiting to play or sneaking my Xbox to work to do the download.


HoW *major sp* in this post

by slycrel ⌂, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:43 (3327 days ago) @ Korny

The VoG was all about running into things you weren't familiar with and learning. What would have been the point of showing you how to do half of it before you had a chance to tackle it? What they had were game mechanics at their disposal that they can reuse if they find a way to do so. The Terminus (Terminal?) area with the new jumping platforms looked completely different at launch, and the VO comments on the similarities to the puzzle in the VoG. Why would she do that unless players were assumed to be familiar with it?

Going to have to disagree with you on this part. They did a bunch of things, from the regular story missions (i.e. standing on a plate to activate the gatelord's portal) to public events (prevent vex sacrifices for example) to prepare you, and give you a little context, for the vault of glass run.

To the larger point, which I think you agree with...

I don't know if all this was supposed to be planned before or not... but it doesn't really matter. They were responsible developers and cut the right things out to make a very good base game. Regardless of if they planned to have this in originally or not, it got cut for development at that time for any number of reasons. I don't care because by them cutting it, it meant that destiny got shipped last September. Otherwise we may just be seeing it ship or still waiting for it to be finished.

I'd love for destiny to be more than it is. But they're being conservative, to make money. So they can keep making DLC and Destiny 2. Developing AAA games like destiny isn't cheap. They're being smart about it.


Dinklebot *minor sp*

by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 13:53 (3327 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

I actually found it kind of hilarious that new characters have actually started speaking for our ghost. For example, in one mission Petra tells us what our ghost sensors are detecting at that point. I'm not sure that it's because the ghost had a voice actor who was famous. The public reaction to the voice of the ghost was pretty negative. So much of the destiny expansions have been reactive to what the players said the want I'm inclined i'm not sure that it's because the ghost had a voice actor who was famous. The public reaction to the voice of the ghost was pretty negative. So much of the destiny expansions have been reactive to what the players to believe that is the reason why.


Dinklebot *minor sp*

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 14:57 (3327 days ago) @ Vortech

I actually found it kind of hilarious that new characters have actually started speaking for our ghost. For example, in one mission Petra tells us what our ghost sensors are detecting at that point. I'm not sure that it's because the ghost had a voice actor who was famous. The public reaction to the voice of the ghost was pretty negative. So much of the destiny expansions have been reactive to what the players said the want I'm inclined i'm not sure that it's because the ghost had a voice actor who was famous. The public reaction to the voice of the ghost was pretty negative. So much of the destiny expansions have been reactive to what the players to believe that is the reason why.

I was laughing so hard when Petra said that line.

They also could easily have tossed in a Dinkle "This will just take a moment" or "Hang on" or something line when you use the ghost in that story mission.

I bet they didn't because of the fact that this is an expansion. If it was part of the original product, then use of his voice would have been covered under the original contract, but because the expansion costs extra money, they'd have had to pay Dinkle extra if they wanted to use him again (and I hope they didn't want to, because damn he sucked).

I 100% agree that they should re-cast this role.


I like the ghost voice....

by slycrel ⌂, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:45 (3327 days ago) @ Kahzgul

...but I really wish they would use it or change it. This awesome AI companion that we're supposed to be working together with ("I've got your back!" haha!) is really jarring having no voice in the expansions.


It's Time, Bungie.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:46 (3327 days ago) @ slycrel
edited by iconicbanana, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 16:04

...but I really wish they would use it or change it. This awesome AI companion that we're supposed to be working together with ("I've got your back!" haha!) is really jarring having no voice in the expansions.


I miss my Dinklebot.

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 18:04 (3327 days ago) @ Kahzgul

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Dinklebot *minor sp*

by PsychoRaven, Oklahoma, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 14:13 (3327 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

Yea the lack of any voice acting for him post original release really does take some of the life out of the game. They need to recast if they can't get him back. I don't care if they explain it or not. Just give the ghost some life again.


Dinklebot *minor sp*

by ProbablyLast, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:03 (3327 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

They have done a great job of making Dinklebot seem more tolerable by getting even worse voice actors for the DLCs.

Dinklebot *minor sp*

by Warbow, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 18:36 (3327 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

I wonder if Bungie could pull an Aflac. They replaced Gilbert Gottfried with someone that sounded just like him. Replace Peter Dinklage with someone that just happens to sound a lot like him.


Just have Nathan Fillion voice ghost also

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 21:43 (3327 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

he can be Cayde and ghost and I would not care less.

Plus he takes video game work seriously unlike Dinklage who I assume gives no shits about the artform judging by his phoning it in in Destiny.

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