For what it's worth (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:24 (3315 days ago) @ Earendil

While we didn't have much trouble getting to the last arena, we hadn't done much damage to the boss yet. This in turn allowed the battle to go on for a little bit, at which point enemies FLOODED us. It was two 33 and one 32 guardian unloading into the doorway and we weren't pushing them back for a couple seconds. Pretty cool. As soon as we beat them back far enough to get a clean shot at the boss he went down, but we had a little trouble getting out of the doorway :)

We did it as 32s (all 3 of us), and there was a really tense moment near the end that might have broken us, morale-wise, if it had ended differently. Two guardians went down just outside that first hallway, one on each side. They went down BECAUSE of the flood of enemies that started coming in at that point - which meant that the 3rd guardian (me) needed to revive two characters before dying while the place was FULL of baddies. The boss was at about 10% at that point, so a wipe would mean we were seconds from finishing but would have to start over.

I went right first, started reviving, and suddenly found myself surrounded by explodashanks. We all 3 thought that was the end.

I ran as fast as I could, and I think if Brawler hadn't been on, I couldn't have powered my way through the dregs that were in the hallway between me and the other downed guardian. With a little distance, I was able to turn (staying in the hallway to avoid that insane scorch cannon) and blow up the explodashanks without dying in the resultant boom.

There was NO red bar left on my health meter. Not even a pixel. It was empty.

I think if I had died there, we'd have come back to the nightfall another day. None of us would have had the heart to start over.

That's the sort of PvE that makes me come back to Destiny over and over. It hasn't happened for a while, simply because we've been the top of the food chain for a good chunk of time. We're not any more, and that's hot. :)

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