
Pack of Wolves less frequent? (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 19:54 (3315 days ago) @ stabbim

Also, odd as it sounds, you can miss them sometimes due to a few factors:

  • The announcement is a small bit of text that you can miss if you're not looking at the screen when it happens (less likely with multiple players, but still possible)
  • The ship just appears rather than flying in
  • If the enemies aren't immediately engaged, they'll sometimes wander off to a spot off the beaten path (for example, on Forgotten Shore they can actually go into a cave)

Agreed, if you're in your inventory when they arrive, or you enter an area that they've already arrived in, it can be hard to find them waiting around for you.

Makes me wish they'd gangster around through an area like the bands of pikes sometimes do.

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