
Mark Of the Unborked. (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, May 26, 2015, 04:11 (3405 days ago) @ bluerunner

I've had people bail in level 28 PoE, and have had matchmaking join someone in to fill their spot. I don't see level 28 PoE being any different than a level 28 strike. People come and go out of those. In fact, I saw somewhere that the level 28 PoE counts as a strike for the Bad Juju bounty. If that's the case, then it should be treated as a strike in terms of glimmer and bounties. It also does not have engrams dropping from enemies.

Sure from a personal standpoint, I'm sure a few of the more devoted folks around here wouldn't mind, but you have to think of other people too. Not everyone tackles Dragon or Weeklies for fun, blasting past enemies long-memorized. If I recall, weren't you the one complaining a while back about idlers making the experience tougher and frustrating for you?

It's the same thing with people complaining about the portion of the Undying Mind strike where you don't get awarded glimmer, but as has been pointed out, the experience is a balancing act when it comes to farming locations, and a matchmaking experience (and one that throws tons of enemies at you) that allowed for farming would throw everything off balance in terms of the experience that other players who AREN'T farming would get. As I said, the Walker bounty ended up with lots of people tackling Sepiks alone until they gave up, and I doubt that Bungie wants to support that.

You will probably say "well what about the 32-35 versions?" And to that I say that such a thing would kill player population elsewhere if you could just easily farm tons and tons of goods. As it is currently, the most effective farming location (Exclusion Zone) is a bit tedious and limiting. A PoE run is not...

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