
Xur stuff: Titan crest, Symbiote, Nothing Man., P&T, glove. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Friday, May 29, 2015, 07:08 (3477 days ago)
edited by Funkmon, Friday, May 29, 2015, 07:57

Funkmon's opinion:

Titan chest: meh
Symbiote: fantastic, fantastic exotic that gives you an extra golden gun shot. Very useful for crucible.
Nothing Manacles: I am so excited for these things! Two tracking grenades!
Patience & Time: I haven't used this since October. You can skip it if you're low on coins.

I'd buy the glove engram to get the bomb ass new exotics, then buy the symbiote (if you don't have it), then the nothing manacles (if you didn't get them already from the engram), then the P&T, then the crest.

I bought 4 glove engrams, got all 3 new gloves.

EDIT: Actually, now that field scout is gone, P&T is one of the only guns you can get it with. If you don't have a sniper with it yet, put P&T up the list behind the engrams.

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