
I played Crucible today... (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 03:54 (3557 days ago)

And it was... well, it was actually kind of fun. Still not something I plan to do as a general rule, but good. This is not a bragging post. I'm just happy that it was an enjoyable experience (PvP often isn't for me), and I know that some people around here know how much I stay away from PvP, and might be interested to hear that this happened.

As a result of my distaste for Crucible, I've generally had a personal rule against doing any exotic bounties that have Crucible components (with an exception for Bad Juju because there are several factors which make that one comparatively easy).

But a few days ago, the old missive game up, and it occurred to me that A) I would really like to have an Invective, and B) a 25-kill gap isn't THAT big. Maybe if I played conservatively and had a few lucky games, it would be doable...

So, I kept that bounty active on my Hunter and just played Destiny like I normally would. Before long, I'd survived a few strikes (got the last one Friday night) and was ready for the Crucible part. Hoo boy.

Saturday morning, I went into Control. I felt like that was the best place for me to snag kills from teammates or hit people who weren't looking for me. I went in alone, because I sometimes have anger issues when it comes to PvP, and didn't want to embarrass myself. Also (and I know this sounds a bit cynical, sorry) I didn't want any encouragement if I just decided I was done with the attempt! :)

I knew the main thing was not total kills, but to go positive. As long as I stayed alive as much as possible, I'd be progressing. I decided to keep my usual Bladedancer/MIDA combo. I know it's not the typical Last Word loadout, but I was intending to stay out of the fray whenever possible, and MIDA is what I'm most comfortable with at range, since I almost always use it on my Bladedancer. Plus, I thought that being able to run away might save me sometimes (it did). I also equipped for maximum cloaking. Cloaking on the super, blink strike, and crouch, with Don't Touch Me just in case. The whole idea being to strike before I'm seen, and if I do accidentally wind up being in close, hopefully confuse the enemy. Not maximize kills, but minimize deaths.

I am terrible with snipers and didn't really want to be at shotgun range for my purposes, so I used the sidearm from HoW. Aside from those factors, I'd also heard that special ammo has become scarce since I last played Crucible, and thought the sidearm's ammo supply might be useful.

My heavy was HoC, though that almost never came into play.

All of this worked... pretty well. I got it done in 4 games, going positive every game. I am by no means a great PvP player, and given how little I play it's possible matchmaking threw me in with newbs and/or terrible players, but I really felt like I played smart, stayed safe, and got it done. The last game went particularly well:


The keys to success were, in order of importance:

  • Cloaking/the element of surprise: In most confrontations, I was cloaked at the beginning, found a target at a good range, and laid into them before they knew anything was up. In the rare instances I was in melee range, I was almost always able to hit them once (which cloaked me) and follow up before they knew what was going on. Don't Touch Me helped a couple of times, but overall Blink Strike seemed much more important. I grabbed this clip because it's when the bounty finally popped, but it happens to be a good illustration of how I was playing: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/stabbim/video/3123737
  • MIDA: In PvE, I've always maintained that MIDA is one of the best all-around primary weapons, but now I'm even more impressed with it. I wasn't necessarily expecting it to be great here - I mostly used it because it's what I'm familiar with. But at its optimal range, it's really a beast. I never came across anyone who I felt I couldn't out-shoot, at the right range. Not other scout rifles, or hand cannons/pulse rifles. I don't know if it's the knockback effect, the rate of fire, or the quick ADS time, but it felt dominant. Might be the movement speed, too - strafing faster surely helps? Speaking of which, I'd say there were 5-10 instances where I just BARELY escaped a bad situation with a sliver of health, and I know I wouldn't have escaped if not for the speed boost.
  • Sidearm: Not much to say, it just fit my needs in this instance. I have to say, it worked quite well. At the ranges where MIDA's TTK starts to feel lacking, that thing really puts people down quick.

If you actually read this far, thanks. :)


I played Crucible today...

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:00 (3557 days ago) @ stabbim

I actually just started using MIDA in multiplayer a few days ago and I'm loving it. It's definitely not as good on some of the tighter maps, but on maps with good sightlines you can outshoot someone with Thorn pretty often since you'll usually get a couple shots in before they hit you. Plus the speed bonus is a beast. I was running with it and my Party Crasher +1, which has battle runner, so I was a swift machine of death.


I played Crucible today...

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:05 (3557 days ago) @ stabbim
edited by General Vagueness, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:08

MIDA: In PvE, I've always maintained that MIDA is one of the best all-around primary weapons, but now I'm even more impressed with it. I wasn't necessarily expecting it to be great here - I mostly used it because it's what I'm familiar with. But at its optimal range, it's really a beast. I never came across anyone who I felt I couldn't out-shoot, at the right range. Not other scout rifles, or hand cannons/pulse rifles. I don't know if it's the knockback effect, the rate of fire, or the quick ADS time, but it felt dominant. Might be the movement speed, too - strafing faster surely helps? Speaking of which, I'd say there were 5-10 instances where I just BARELY escaped a bad situation with a sliver of health, and I know I wouldn't have escaped if not for the speed boost.

That's interesting, I wrote off that weapon because scout rifles have crummy impact and that one has less impact than all my current ones, which are themselves lower than the current Iron Banner scout rifle, and nothing about it looked better than usual except the reload time; I'll consider it more when the opportunity to get it comes up again.


I played Crucible today...

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:44 (3557 days ago) @ General Vagueness

That's interesting, I wrote off that weapon because scout rifles have crummy impact and that one has less impact than all my current ones, which are themselves lower than the current Iron Banner scout rifle, and nothing about it looked better than usual except the reload time; I'll consider it more when the opportunity to get it comes up again.

Yeah, the impact is pretty low. And it may or may not be your thing - but try it out for a while. Much of what makes MIDA what it is, isn't apparent in the stats.

You really need those headshots

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 13:08 (3557 days ago) @ General Vagueness

But if you get them it's got a great TTK. Possibly best in class. (Higher impact models like VoC still need 4 shots to kill (except Gheleon maybe) but fire significantly slower)


I played Crucible today...

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:15 (3557 days ago) @ stabbim

A couple of recommendations to consider:

- Trade the Don't Touch Me gloves for Khepri's Sting, if you are able. These will let you select Hungering Blade (which restores your health on a successful Blink Strike or Arc Blade kill) while keeping your cloaking.

- Trade Escape Artist for Fast Twitch. This will both help you perform backstabs more easily and will help you activate Hungering Blade much more often since your Blink Strike will be charged virtually all the time. I've never really found cloaking while meleeing someone head on to be very effective. Normally I either get the kill because I attacked first or I lose because I hesitated and cloaking does nothing to help me when I'm a few inches away from my enemy. With Khepri's Sting and Fast Twitch, you win if you get a backstab and, in my opinion at least, don't lose much vs Don't Touch Me and Escape Artist.

Good job getting the Invective! It's still my favorite shotgun, even more so now that Special Ammo is in shorter supply. :)


I played Crucible today...

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 04:58 (3557 days ago) @ Ragashingo

- Trade the Don't Touch Me gloves for Khepri's Sting, if you are able. These will let you select Hungering Blade (which restores your health on a successful Blink Strike or Arc Blade kill) while keeping your cloaking.

Sadly, I don't have them, but I'm inclined to agree. Don't Touch Me did its job a couple times, but most of the time it just wasn't coming into play.

- Trade Escape Artist for Fast Twitch. This will both help you perform backstabs more easily and will help you activate Hungering Blade much more often since your Blink Strike will be charged virtually all the time. I've never really found cloaking while meleeing someone head on to be very effective. Normally I either get the kill because I attacked first or I lose because I hesitated and cloaking does nothing to help me when I'm a few inches away from my enemy. With Khepri's Sting and Fast Twitch, you win if you get a backstab and, in my opinion at least, don't lose much vs Don't Touch Me and Escape Artist.

For more general gameplay, you're probably right. In this instance, I was really trying to stay out of melee range in the first place. Everything I was doing was in the interest of disappearing if that did occur - melee kills were last resort only.

Good job getting the Invective! It's still my favorite shotgun, even more so now that Special Ammo is in shorter supply. :)

Thanks. :) I think it'll be a fun one. Right now, my Titan's exotic slot is almost always taken by Suros Regime, but once I'm able to ascend my old Shadow Price I'll probably use Invective quite a bit.

This was great to read!

by Claude Errera @, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 06:28 (3557 days ago) @ stabbim

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Glad you enjoyed it.

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 07:26 (3557 days ago) @ stabbim

I hated crucible the first few months. Never could get the hang of it. But then it kinda clicked and I found a playstyle that fit me. Keeping distance and running from losing fights is my thing too. I keep a shotty usually just for backup when someone gets close.


I played Crucible today...

by Funkmon @, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 11:02 (3557 days ago) @ stabbim

Top of the line writeup! I'm going to finish out my Iron Bannering today, and I'm going to give the scout rifle strategy a go. A lot of people like these guns, and I almost never use them. I'll give it two or three games, and come back with what I think. I'm normally a pretty aggressive player, so it'll be a fun change!


I played Crucible today...

by bluerunner @, Music City, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 16:49 (3556 days ago) @ Funkmon

I have a Zero Point LOPT with full auto, lightweight, and third eye. It shoots the same as VoC, gives me a speed boost like MIDA, and gives me third eye like MIDA. I really like it for crucible, but the key is to keep engagements at mid-long range. When I'm using it I like to hang around the usual sniping spots and keep a shotgun as backup in case somebody tries to flush me out.

You're not going to do as well in close range, but scouts are great on the maps with long sight lines.


Be still; my beating heart.

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Monday, June 08, 2015, 18:50 (3555 days ago) @ stabbim

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