
Expected Race/Class Combo as of right now...

by Stephen Laughlin ⌂ @, Long Beach, CA, Monday, May 06, 2013, 21:17 (4228 days ago) @ GrimBrother One

What say you, DBO?

If my experience from other video game RPGs holds true, it doesn't matter what I choose now because I'll probably agonize over every step of the creation process for several hours and redo my character a billion times before I end up just shoving all the appearance sliders to max and going with "Chunk Hardbeef", Human Warrior.

Then again, I usually enjoy playing support roles in class-based multiplayer games, so if there's a Priest/Medic equivalent in Destiny I'll probably choose that.

All things being equal, I could see rolling a human Hunter, rustling up a sweet looking trenchcoat and revolver, and whooping ass across the solar system future-noir style.

I won't have a clear idea until they tell us about race and class-specific abilities, really.

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