Only getting 1 key from Queen's Bounty? (Destiny)
I did a Queen's Bounty (Archon on the moon) on my first character. Went to the reef, turned in: got a key.
I just did the same bounty on my second character, went to reef, turned in: did not get a key.
Is this normal? Or should I have gotten a key on both?

1 key per week on first bounty turned in.
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so per player, not per character?
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so per player, not per character?
No it's per character. But strangely it works MOST of the time, but every so often you don't get a key.

so per player, not per character?
If it is per character, then it has bugged out for me every single week on two of my three characters.
so per player, not per character?
Same here. I haven't been able to play much since HoW, but the past three weeks that I have played, I only got a key on my first character's first bounty, despite doing all the bounties on all three characters.

so per player, not per character?
Same here. I've always assumed it was per-player because that's exactly what's happened for me.

so per player, not per character?
It's per character for me... I was chasing the Elder Cypher and needed keys so I did a bounty on each character and got a key each time. I believe it's only the major bounties not the minor ones though. Maybe you guys did a bounty and got a key earlier in the week then forgot?

so per player, not per character?
I'd be more open to that possibility (after all, I am dumb) if it weren't the case every week. I didn't notice it until two weeks after they announced the change, but Funkmon can confirm that I complain about only getting one each week.
Not counting the ones I get from the Queen's Blessing packages, of course.

Also happens to me. I do 6 on my hunter on Tuesdays, then do the non public event ones on my other guys that day too. I regularly don't get keys on those.

Not(?) Confirmed.
Also happens to me. I do 6 on my hunter on Tuesdays, then do the non public event ones on my other guys that day too. I regularly don't get keys on those.
You're not supposed to get a key from the light blue (non public event) bounty targets - only the dark blue ones that appear with the "wolves are prowling" dropships.
I wonder if most of the people here saying they don't get them on their alt characters are doing those light blue ones and expecting to get a key from them...?

He did the Archon mission one, which is the dark blue type.
Unless that's the single instance that doesn't work.

Not(?) Confirmed.
I run every bounty on all characters, usually at the same time.