Now is a really good time to make an alt (Destiny)

by DerekT07, Tennessee, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 03:14 (3520 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Heh, that was my plan to get my level 26 Titan up to snuff. Gotta get my 33 Warlock and 32 Hunter maxed first, though.

Granted, at that point, you'll have a maxed out character without all of his abilities, which kind of sucks. But I guess its still better than not having either.

I'm in the same boat, just not quite as far along. I still need a +42 light helmet to max my main character, and I just got my second character to level 23 thanks to a random exotic helmet from an engram from Xür. Next on the list is my lowly level 2 third character that hasn't been touched since creation. Haha

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