What's up with the ghosts on Tess Everis' counter? (Destiny)
There are, I believe, 4 ghosts on Tess' counter, 3 white and 1 black. What's up with that? Why are they there? They all look dead except for the black one which has a blinking light. Anyone know Morse Code? http://xboxclips.com/xIM+BATMAN+420/117d4b63-4735-421b-8d67-d6de56dae6b9
I got this video from /r/RaidSecrets, but it made me wonder about the story behind Tess & those ghosts.

Let me know what it says...! :D

As the world's leading expert...
... I don't think that is Morse code. There seem to be too many varieties of "blink" happening. If it is Morse code, the pattern is only long enough to be 3 or 4 letters as far as I can tell.

As the world's leading expert...
I'd be more inclined to think it's encoded another way, if it's encoded at all. Something like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_code
But what I'm really curious about is what story is this telling? Bungie/Deej should have the designers do a walkthrough of the tower & reef like they did with the planets. Why the crap does Tess have 3 white dead & 1 black dying(?) ghost on her table?

I'd like a special order for a black ghost shell please
- No text -

Please. African-American is the preferred nomenclature.
Never gets old.

As the world's leading expert...
But what I'm really curious about is what story is this telling? Bungie/Deej should have the designers do a walkthrough of the tower & reef like they did with the planets. Why the crap does Tess have 3 white dead & 1 black dying(?) ghost on her table?
Speaking of which, are those worth watching? I saw those the other day while I was looking for the Conversations with Creators, but I haven't had the chance to watch them.

Please. African-American is the preferred nomenclature.
Oh my god. I'd never seen that before. That is just the greatest.
Also, Samuel L. Jackson Ghost voice pack. There's some content I'd pay twenty bucks for!

As the world's leading expert...
I enjoyed them, they certainly had some pretty interesting bits.