
RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0 (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:42 (3517 days ago)
edited by Funkmon, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:05


Here's what I don't like.

The initial set of stat perks that have been on weapons since launch (Send It, Hammer Forged, Field Scout, Perfect Balance, etc.) all granted a pretty huge increase to their targeted stat. Not only did they spike their stat, but they never asked the player to make a meaningful trade-off for it on the weapon. We have gone back to all of these stat perks and reduced the amount that they buff your weapon stat, and this change was made retroactively against all year one weapon talent grids.

Overall it seems like a blanket nerf except to Hard Light, Nechrochasm, and NLB, plus a PVE (or at least conditional) Thorn buff. I may need to move to scout rifles.

EDIT: upon rereading, I guess while it leans towards a nerf of everything good, there are more tradeoffs than I saw initially. Auto rifles do a bit more damage, but only close in. Grenades and horseshoes is worse, but blast radius is bigger. While pulse rifles get nerfed, they do get a few more shots. Etc.

It's probably all good for the game. Just sad about my beloved field scout.

EDIT 2: I think this will mean people generally won't be using Black Hammer very much due to its reserve ammo grab thing. Maybe I'm a special case, but I ONLY use it for the free ammo. Otherwise I use my other snipers with more useful perks. This is probably a good thing.



by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:49 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon
edited by iconicbanana, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:56

They even #nerfedexotichandcannons. This was a big kiss on the cheek for me.


And they're working on blink balancing! THANK GOODNESS

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:49 (3517 days ago) @ iconicbanana

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And they're working on blink balancing! THANK GOODNESS

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:50 (3517 days ago) @ Xenos

They are? Did I miss that?!


And they're working on blink balancing! THANK GOODNESS

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:51 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

They are? Did I miss that?!

It's in the main BWU article:

"I’m going to go back to putting the finishing touches on the new Subclasses and trying to figure out how I can make Blink less frustrating to fight against. People keep showing up at my desk asking me when I’m going to remove Blink from the game, and I don’t want to do that, so back to the drawing board! Here is Newsk with some delayed, but very tasty Weapon info." (From Sage)


And they're working on blink balancing! THANK GOODNESS

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:00 (3517 days ago) @ Xenos

Ah! I was anxious to get to the weapon updates. Sorry Sage! :)


RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:49 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Hard Light will be awesome if the bullets really do bounce even more. It's already one of my favorite guns and now it'll be better. :)

The Thorn changes are clever. A single hit won't be as deadly and getting a kill with the poison in PVP will happen far less. Basically the bullets will kill before the poison damage ramps up in the Crucible.

It'll be interesting to see how everyone receives the Auto Rifle changes.


RIP Oswald Bullet. Hawkmoon gets more nerfs. :/

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 22:59 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

The magic bullet was a rare occurrence. I don't see why they had to get rid of it just on the off chance that someone is killed by it. What makes it exotic now, when you can already stack two bullets (LitC and Final Round) in a Hand Cannon?

At least Necrochasm and Hard Light are gonna rock now, but I'd love for HL to stop shield regen when piercing through Defender Bubbles.


You get an extra one. Seems all right to me.

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:00 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

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That's actually counter-intuitive...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:09 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon
edited by Korny, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:18

We always had a third one with the possibility of stacking it into another. They're also adding two more rounds (depending on the mag decrease, may be the same as it is now), which lower the odds of a bonus-damage bullet.

Essentially there's little to differentiate it from a Red Hand 9 with Rifled Barrel and both damage perks, except that the bonus damage is more reliable on the smaller-mag RH9...


I'd imagine it would put it right back where it is.

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:12 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

That one seems all right still to me. Let's see how it plays out, I guess.

That's actually counter-intuitive...

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:54 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

Plus handcannons are going to get a blanket magazine reduction? Ill Will can already go down to 5 bullets with 2 "lucky" shots. If it goes lower now it will actually be more reliable than Hawkmoon for 2-shot kills. That's crazy talk!


That's actually counter-intuitive...

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 01:04 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

We always had a third one with the possibility of stacking it into another. They're also adding two more rounds (depending on the mag decrease, may be the same as it is now), which lower the odds of a bonus-damage bullet.

Essentially there's little to differentiate it from a Red Hand 9 with Rifled Barrel and both damage perks, except that the bonus damage is more reliable on the smaller-mag RH9...

Heh, for bonuses Red Hand IX is pretty good, but Ill Will (legendary reward) is where it's at: 7 rounds instead of 10, 5 if you get the right perk (smallbore?)-- 40% chance of a bonus on a given round, 20% chance of a magic bullet at the bottom of the magazine. The magazine size decrease might make it even crazier.


RIP Oswald Bullet. Hawkmoon gets more nerfs. :/

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:03 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

Hard Light is gonna rock more you mean. I already love that gun! I hope the shots bounce three times as that would be just crazy fun for holding the B tunnel on Shores of Time. :)


RIP Oswald Bullet. Hawkmoon gets more nerfs. :/

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:10 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Hard Light is gonna rock more you mean. I already love that gun! I hope the shots bounce three times as that would be just crazy fun for holding the B tunnel on Shores of Time. :)

I've held on to my Hard Light (both consoles), because I too want it to rock more. I always felt that it needed some oomf to make it truly special, but damage buff and extra bounce sounds good enough for me!



by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:37 (3517 days ago) @ Korny


I think of Worms every time I see a Magic Bullet.

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:27 (3517 days ago) @ iconicbanana

So, when are we going to see a worms banana bomb for your avatar image?


...as soon as I can find an image of it.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:28 (3517 days ago) @ dogcow

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I approve. :)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, July 17, 2015, 21:04 (3517 days ago) @ iconicbanana

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RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:07 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon


Here's what I don't like.

The initial set of stat perks that have been on weapons since launch (Send It, Hammer Forged, Field Scout, Perfect Balance, etc.) all granted a pretty huge increase to their targeted stat. Not only did they spike their stat, but they never asked the player to make a meaningful trade-off for it on the weapon. We have gone back to all of these stat perks and reduced the amount that they buff your weapon stat, and this change was made retroactively against all year one weapon talent grids.

Once again, I feel like fusion rifles are getting the shaft. Hammer Forged was the only way to get a fusion rifle that could compete with shotguns. Even though their range is getting nerfed, the bottom line is Destiny is a fast game with lots of ways to get in close. Your range gap can quickly close. Being able to exploit that is key to effectively using a fusion rifle in crucible. I feel like right now Hammer forged is the only way to compete with the shotguns, and reducing the range on both just ends up more favoring the shotguns due to the movement possibilities.


Plan C.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:11 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Ragashingo, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:27

But, seriously, I do think they're going a bit in the wrong direction with Fusion Rifles. They don't (and won't even after the update) do nearly enough damage in PvE to justify giving up my Invective, and the usability to ammo ratio in the Crucible just feel off. If nothing else they need to hold a bit more ammo...



by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Friday, July 17, 2015, 12:23 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

If they would just give PI more ammo, it would be pretty useful in the crucible again.


It's dead, move on from it.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, July 17, 2015, 12:36 (3517 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

Let me mourn, T1G3R!


I just can't let go

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:02 (3517 days ago) @ iconicbanana

Actually, I've used it a few times in the Crucible recently with good effect. You just have to make sure you get to the ammo crates every time they are available since it burns through ammo so quickly. Additionally, if you can control the bursts to get kills in 2-3 shots only then you can get more life out of it.

It's still a pale shadow of it's former self though.


It's balanced now.*

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:04 (3517 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r
edited by iconicbanana, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:23

We all loved it because it didn't used to be.

*That said, these changes help it. It's a short ranged FR and the increase in base accuracy will be very nice. It's never going to be the sniper it once was but it shouldn't have been that to begin with. Take shotguns and handcannons down a notch and it's still a monster (until you run out of ammo).


RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:18 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I think you are right here. We may need to let this play out and find out that Light In The Abyss may become actually useful if they increase the accuracy enough. Let's withold judgement on this one. To me, this one is the most opaque on how it will play, but tend to agree with you here.


RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:25 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

It might be that the nerfing of all shotguns will see a resurgence of Fusion Rifles as well. I agree that this is very much a wait and see situation... for better or worse...


Similar story with scout rifles

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:43 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

For starters, I think this is a good change overall to the weapon base. I don't fully understand the pulse rifle changes, but they seem more... sideways than a nerf. Autos needed a buff. Exotics are, per usual, more exotic and it sounds like we will have some new winners. I agree with you that fusions will be hit and miss now -- it remains to be seen just how much so vs the new shotgun ranges. Fusion rifles have a special place, if they can fill a niche that shottys can't, and I guess that remains to be seen. I'm amazed gjallarhorn has survived this long -- it does pretty well double the damage of other RL's, and now it'll only get 150% -- it'll still be more than the rest.

For scout rifles though... they're making them worse short range, where they already struggle. They're in many cases about on par with using a sniper already at very close range, other than maybe fang of ir yut, which is the only scout I know of that works okay at close range. They are practically useless from the hip already, and that's only going to get worse. It's possible that they are not awful from the hip long range, but I've certainly never used them that way, so maybe I'm missing out on something fun. =)

The damage buff for PvE means they'll likely keep up with the same ratio of damage (bullets per kill) that they've had previously. I've noticed enemy health has gone up much faster than damage for scout rifles, and has been a pseudo-nerf at higher levels. So with this they'll likely feel about the same as they do now at high levels -- pretty good mid-long and long range, too slow or inaccurate anything closer than mid-range. Which is where 75% of the game plays, so they continue to be situational.

I don't understand why they have gone towards less impact than hand cannons -- with the goals as they are they fill the same basic slot at differing ranges, so why the impact disparity? Their goals are almost identical:

Scout Goals:
1- Scout Rifles are the best Primary Weapon for long range engagements
2- Scout Rifles perform best when landing paced precision shots
3- Rate of Fire and Optics are tuned so that Scout Rifles are a little harder to use effectively close in

HC Goals:
1- Hand Cannons are optimal at close to medium range
2- Hand Cannons are optimal when shots are paced, but become less effective when fired quickly
3- Rewards agility under fire, precision targeting, and snap shots
4- Hand Cannons cannot reliably compete with Scout Rifles at long range

1 and 4 cancel each other out, so we're left with 2 and 2 (which say basically the same thing). Hand cannons get #3, which is where end game content lives. Scouts are just plain inferior in everything other than clip size and long range. It's not enough, especially for challenging content.

It'll be interesting to see clip sizes of hand cannons after this all drops, as that is what could ultimately make or break things for me. But I expect to be using hand cannons over scouts still most of the time, much to my disappointment. I hope they continue to look at and tune things going forward. Depending on clip size, and short range scout nerfs, I may even be using a pulse rifle. ick! =)


Similar story with scout rifles

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, July 17, 2015, 02:43 (3517 days ago) @ slycrel

For scout rifles though... they're making them worse short range, where they already struggle. They're in many cases about on par with using a sniper already at very close range, other than maybe fang of ir yut, which is the only scout I know of that works okay at close range. They are practically useless from the hip already, and that's only going to get worse. It's possible that they are not awful from the hip long range, but I've certainly never used them that way, so maybe I'm missing out on something fun. =)

I think what you're missing here is that scout rifles are supposed to be bad up close.

Fusion Rifle nerf is the only change I don't get

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:49 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

"Hey guys, remember when we made it so only high Impact, long Range FRs were viable? Well now they suck just as much as the others. Equality!"


Haha I just got my Gjallarhorn too!

by LostSpartan, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:07 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Hoping that nerf to wolfpack rounds isn't toooo substantial.

Also way to completely kill the Black Hammer. That is a change I don't foresee being loved.


Haha I just got my Gjallarhorn too!

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:14 (3517 days ago) @ LostSpartan

I'm a little sad for Gjallarhorn. I was hoping they'd just tell the wolfpack round to not track the nearest target. That would make it useful for clearing groups of weak enemies but stop it from being the boss ender that it was. Oh well. I didn't use mine much anyways!


I share your black hammer opinion.

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:16 (3517 days ago) @ LostSpartan

I can now 100% guarantee I will never use that gun unless the free ammo gets put back. I have other snipers I can use that are better in literally every way except impact, where they are tied. However, it is clear Bungie thinks how we use Black Hammer is not how they intended to to be used. I understand where they are coming from. It whiffs of unfairness.


I share your black hammer opinion.

by ProbablyLast, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:28 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

This combined with the Icebreaker nerf just means my sniper usage will drop from 'basically never' to 'only when goofing around with the No Land Beyond'.


Icebreaker and Vault of Glass

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:31 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

That 5 second --> 8 second recharge time might be killer in the cheese the oracles segment! Maybe people might have to start doing it right for a change! :p


Icebreaker and Vault of Glass

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:39 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

That 5 second --> 8 second recharge time might be killer in the cheese the oracles segment! Maybe people might have to start doing it right for a change! :p

Nowadays people tend to use VoC for that it's got the Oracle buff and long scope. More than enough to do the whole thing. :P


Icebreaker and Vault of Glass

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:44 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

That 5 second --> 8 second recharge time might be killer in the cheese the oracles segment! Maybe people might have to start doing it right for a change! :p

The PS4 DBO Crew has no problem doing it legit. We don't hide during legions and we kill oracles from the bottom of the well ;-p


/me buys PS4...

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:45 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, July 17, 2015, 01:34 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

*Not really

But yeah, doing the Vault legit is so much more satisfying... I'm always disappointed when people do the sniper approach.

I don't mind them hiding during legions because, quite frankly, I'd rather skip the Confluxes entirely.


Icebreaker and Vault of Glass

by slycrel ⌂, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:45 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I enjoy doing it that way more anyway, glad to see this change. =)

Why nerf? It's all in peoples' heads, that's all!

by Avateur @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:34 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

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by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:54 (3517 days ago) @ Avateur

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Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:38 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

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Get Rekt

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 23:41 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Icebreaker 4 lyfe

Black Hammer completely ruined.

by naturl selexion, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:40 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Yeah, that one really hurts. Especially since I just got it. I don't see much point in the perk if it deplete your ammo reserves.


Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:42 (3517 days ago) @ naturl selexion

Yeah, that one really hurts. Especially since I just got it. I don't see much point in the perk if it deplete your ammo reserves.

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

Black Hammer completely ruined.

by naturl selexion, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:49 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

Having to reload doesn't make me out of the fight, running out of ammo does. I would much rather they sent the extra ammo into the reserve and required a reload rather than just moving ammo into the mag.


That solution is GREAT IMO.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 04:09 (3517 days ago) @ naturl selexion

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by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Friday, July 17, 2015, 12:17 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

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That's a dumb solution, objectively speaking...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, July 17, 2015, 04:42 (3517 days ago) @ naturl selexion

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

Having to reload doesn't make me out of the fight, running out of ammo does. I would much rather they sent the extra ammo into the reserve and required a reload rather than just moving ammo into the mag.

That does nothing besides add a slight inconvenience to the weapon. It would still be the same, functionally speaking. It's a Legendary, not an exotic, and that perk essentially made it an exotic.

Anytime a nerf is introduced, you have the loud people crying about how their overpowered weapon is now completely useless and might as well be shooting nothing but insults and marshmallows, but I think the perk and weapon will still come into play. It just won't be a free win like it's been since it came out.


That's a dumb solution, objectively speaking...

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 17, 2015, 04:52 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

Having to reload doesn't make me out of the fight, running out of ammo does. I would much rather they sent the extra ammo into the reserve and required a reload rather than just moving ammo into the mag.

That does nothing besides add a slight inconvenience to the weapon. It would still be the same, functionally speaking. It's a Legendary, not an exotic, and that perk essentially made it an exotic.

Anytime a nerf is introduced, you have the loud people crying about how their overpowered weapon is now completely useless and might as well be shooting nothing but insults and marshmallows, but I think the perk and weapon will still come into play. It just won't be a free win like it's been since it came out.

But now it actually is useless. Now the drawbacks like the small clip size make it completely inferior to say a solar LDR. Which I had, but got rid of because vault space. So I shouldn't have thrown it away. But how could I know? Now I gotta find a replacement solar sniper. Sucks big time.


But what if it WERE an Exotic?

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, July 17, 2015, 12:36 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

I've seen it suggested on Reddit and I quite liked it:

What if we could upgrade Black Hammer with a Crux of Crota into an Exotic that works like BH pretty much does now?



by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Friday, July 17, 2015, 12:57 (3517 days ago) @ ZackDark

The way it currently is, it really should be an exotic. Any weapon that is truly, outstandingly unique like this, should be an exotic. You could almost make this argument for Fatebringer, being that is the only handcannon with firefly.


Probably a lot of work. Best just get over it and move on.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:10 (3517 days ago) @ red robber

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Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 17, 2015, 04:48 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

Yeah, that one really hurts. Especially since I just got it. I don't see much point in the perk if it deplete your ammo reserves.

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

I have 8 shots per clip on my Efrideet's. Black hammer was special because of infinite ammo


Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 07:04 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Yeah, I have two of those bad lads with clown cart, field scout, and surplus. May reroll thatl last one for CC as well if the guns can be ascended after the next expansion.

As a result of these guns, I haven't used Icebreaker for anything other than The Abyss on hard since hard mode came out, and not even then after we could hit level 33. I have only used Black Hammer on no burn nightfalls with tanks. So honestly it is no great loss to me. However, for you who have no decent solar sniper, it will suck a bit.

Question about Clown Cartridge

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:06 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

How often is Clown Cartridge supposed to Proc? Does it differ from weapon to weapon?

I havw a friend who swears nearly every reliad gives him an extra rocket on his RL, but I recently rolled a Sniper with CC and it procced a whipping 3 times in about 45 minutes. I was very disappointed.


Question about Clown Cartridge

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:13 (3517 days ago) @ someotherguy

It's 25%. So your friend is doing a little hyperbole and you may be too. Or, you're really unlucky and he is lucky.

For me, when I am using my clown cartridge snipers on no burn tanks and stuff, I reload every time I hit 5 bullets. Slow, but at least I won't run out of ammo. Time sensitive stuff, you obviously want to shoot as much as possible.

No hyperbole. Guess I'm just really unlucky :/

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:24 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

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Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:50 (3517 days ago) @ Korny

Yeah, that one really hurts. Especially since I just got it. I don't see much point in the perk if it deplete your ammo reserves.

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

And they did buff the clip... So...


Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 17, 2015, 14:05 (3517 days ago) @ Doooskey

Yeah, that one really hurts. Especially since I just got it. I don't see much point in the perk if it deplete your ammo reserves.

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

And they did buff the clip... So...

No they did not. The clip is still 3. They buffed ammo inventory. You get a whole three more shots total now. Whoopie. Not enough to make up for ruining the weapon. Now it goes back in the vault.


Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:04 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Yeah, that one really hurts. Especially since I just got it. I don't see much point in the perk if it deplete your ammo reserves.

No need to reload, keeps you in the fight. You can basically have one giant clip. Still useful for bosses.

And they did buff the clip... So...

No they did not. The clip is still 3. They buffed ammo inventory. You get a whole three more shots total now. Whoopie. Not enough to make up for ruining the weapon. Now it goes back in the vault.

Two things: in context Dooskey was referring to the size of the reserve ammo not the clip, he was playing off the comment of it being "one giant clip" and second, the reserve ammo was raised to 18 from 12, that's an increase of 6 bullets not 3.


Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:19 (3517 days ago) @ Xenos

It seems to be total ammo capacity. He didn't say anything about reserve.


Black Hammer completely ruined.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:26 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

It seems to be total ammo capacity. He didn't say anything about reserve.

Hmm... went back to check and it says "ammo inventory" never seen that term used, no idea which it means. You're probably right though.

More painful to read than Gjallarhorn nerf

by petetheduck, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:42 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I thought Black Hammer was actually Bungie's way of addressing bad Strike bosses. Extremely useful in very specific situations. Now what is it good for?




by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, July 17, 2015, 01:09 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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Final Round

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:23 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Final round only procs on precision shots? That makes the perk completely useless for PvP now as a precision shot is already a one shot kill. Not too excited about the changes as I have spent hundreds of hours acquiring these weapons and getting materials to reforge weapons to perks that are actually helpful.


Final Round

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:33 (3517 days ago) @ unoudid

Yeah, it really nerfs it for PvP -- but that was sorely needed and will be a very valuable change.


Final Round

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:37 (3517 days ago) @ Speedracer513

After the armor peircing nerf and now the final round nerf. My long favorite Efrideets Spear is now complete crap. I'll miss one shotting people through walls forever.

It is much needed. But why not just remove the perk altogether?


Final Round

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:55 (3517 days ago) @ unoudid

It is much needed. But why not just remove the perk altogether?

Because this way, the perk still matters in PvE - especially on bosses.


I felt a great disturbance in the Forums...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, July 17, 2015, 00:39 (3517 days ago) @ unoudid

As if millions of try-hards' Efrideets suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly sharded. I feel something wonderful has happened.


Final Round

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:53 (3517 days ago) @ unoudid

I have spent hundreds of hours acquiring these weapons and getting materials to reforge weapons to perks that are actually helpful.

No surprise the collector gets more upset about the collecting. :P.

But hey! Great excuse for Field Scout + Surplus rolls! Wait a minute. :(

Final Round

by DreadPirateWes, Friday, July 17, 2015, 07:13 (3517 days ago) @ unoudid

Final round only procs on precision shots? That makes the perk completely useless for PvP now as a precision shot is already a one shot kill. Not too excited about the changes as I have spent hundreds of hours acquiring these weapons and getting materials to reforge weapons to perks that are actually helpful.

At least give us a replacement trade off perk like they described. This new final round is a slap in the face. It does make the spear fit the ridiculous pattern... iron banner loot is better for PVE than PVP.

Final Round

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:08 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

I can't believe people are upset by this. Final Round was broken as hell, and should never have existed in the way it does now. Looks like Bungie agrees.

Just roll your Efrideet for Solar, FS or Perfect Balance and Surplus - it'll still beat your Black Hammer :p


RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 01:34 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

These changes look OK. I think they're overdoing it nerfing The Last Word-- fixing the extra damage bug is good, reducing the range is good, lowering stability a bit is fine I guess, but cutting the range in half and the stability by a third? or is that math wrong? How do the changes compare in fractional/multiplicative terms to what we have now? I'm not clear on another part either-- are the changes to perks across the board and across all of a given weapon type going to apply to currently-held weapons?


RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, July 17, 2015, 02:48 (3517 days ago) @ General Vagueness

I'm not clear on another part either-- are the changes to perks across the board and across all of a given weapon type going to apply to currently-held weapons?

Given that a lot of this is specifically targeting vanilla Destiny weapons, and you can't actually get those any more, I'm leaning toward yes.

I'm looking VERY nervously at my TDYK. I hope the mag size doesn't go down too much. I'm not super worried about the range changes, because I think I'll still be able to use it much the same outside of edge cases. But having less bullets es no bueno. Hopefully it's just 1 or 2 less.


Screw that. Worry about Field Scout and low mag counts.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 04:00 (3517 days ago) @ stabbim

Fatebringer will be fine, and so will TDYK. But Jewel of Osiris, nearly useless for PvE anyway with its 9 round mag and solar element in particular (where most solar shielded enemies are hard as hell and cannot be killed in a single clip), may become unusable. My Timur's Lash with Field Scout goes from 7 to 13. If they make field scout extended mag, it may only go up to 9, killing that gun. And so on.

But we shouldn't actually worry. We'll just find new ways to play.

Screw that. Worry about Field Scout and low mag counts.

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:10 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

It's funny, I've always felt my Timur with Outlaw and Field Scout was a bit redundant. Now maybe it'll all balance out. Yay outlaw!


Screw that. Worry about Field Scout and low mag counts.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:15 (3517 days ago) @ someotherguy

It can be, but 7 is low, even for such a high impact gun. Mine's got crowd control so I like to keep the 2500 damage shots coming as much as possible, which field scout allows.

Mine too, though I prefer my other one with Grenadier

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:27 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Crowd Control doesn't seem to push it over any damage thresholds that I've noticed. Nice to have additional danage vs large enemies, but I don't tend to use Handcannons for that.

Perks: YMMV :)


Mine too, though I prefer my other one with Grenadier

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:29 (3517 days ago) @ someotherguy

Nothing particularly useful other than one shotting knights up to level 26 and one shotting level 35 Gregs and stuff, but I like them big numbers!

Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by DreadPirateWes, Friday, July 17, 2015, 02:11 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!


Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, July 17, 2015, 02:27 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

Maybe it just goes to show chasing after the one most popular set of perks isn't always the way to go. Or if something seems overpowered then you really shouldn't count on it staying that way forever.


Not so sure about that

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:22 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful.”

I understand players deciding that those perks are desirable, but I don’t think it’s fair to say that Bungie has been “pushing us to collect” weapons with those perks. We, as a player base, certainly have a hive mind of our own when it comes to these sort of things, which I think is a much greater driving force in that decision-making.


Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:23 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

They haven't been pushing you to do that. The end result of them failing to make sure things were balanced was a situation that made those things desirable, but that's not them pushing you.

Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by DreadPirateWes, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:30 (3517 days ago) @ General Vagueness

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

They haven't been pushing you to do that. The end result of them failing to make sure things were balanced was a situation that made those things desirable, but that's not them pushing you.

I disagree. They knew this stuff was the best, they left it that way despite numerous changes over the past 9 months, therefore they encouraged the behavior. I mean, of course they aren't going to say "everyone go use hand cannons!"

It's ok, it's probably time I moved on. But it's sad. If they had just called ttk "destiny 2" I might not be so sad about letting everything go.


Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:48 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

They haven't been pushing you to do that. The end result of them failing to make sure things were balanced was a situation that made those things desirable, but that's not them pushing you.

I disagree. They knew this stuff was the best, they left it that way despite numerous changes over the past 9 months, therefore they encouraged the behavior. I mean, of course they aren't going to say "everyone go use hand cannons!"

It's ok, it's probably time I moved on. But it's sad. If they had just called ttk "destiny 2" I might not be so sad about letting everything go.

The way the game is now has only been around for a few months. I remember when the game launched fusion rifles were king, then it was auto rifles, and then after that hand cannons really came into their own. As far as I can tell, final round snipers weren't an issue until reforging was introduced and people rolled Efrideet's Spear with that and other really good perks, the same as how the highest capabilities of shotguns didn't show up much until then via Felwinter's Lie. (I will say they should've caught on sooner though, the Vanguard sold a Secret Handshake with shot package and hammer forged for some time before that, although in a pretty different impact class. That thing is still my favorite legendary.)


Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 04:07 (3517 days ago) @ General Vagueness

Not only low impact, but even with Hammer forged, the range was lower than FL and FV and 2TTM. It ended up being a bit worse than FV in normal use...so they knew what they were doing. :P

Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 09:23 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

They've been pushing us into Final Round and Field Scout so hard that they took it out of the game to encourage us chasing them!

I think the FR nerf was pretty telegraphed. I can't believe anyone is upset or sirprised by that their borderline-cheating perk has been nerfed. Or rather, I can, but I didn't expect it here on DBO. Final Round always felt like it was intended to be a primarily PvE perk, and I guess Bungie felt the same because now it's gone back to that.

Field Scout is a little more sad, but I think I have 3 weapons with it that I'll really miss it on (LDR, Swarm, Jolder's Hammer), and I kind understand why the latter two would have it removed, even if FS really fits in with the spirit of LMGs. Most of the time there are other perks I use instead (Explosive Rounds, Increased Stability, Tripod, High Caliber Rounds). I still feel like Snipers should be able to roll FS, but we don't even know how much of a nerf it will be yet, and no matter what at least it won't be Casket Mag *shudder*.


Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:31 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

I'm just sad I will never get to experience that 212 Hawkmoon one shot kill from the giving end (why not leave that in on PvE)?. People were already saying it was good but not great, and it just got worse.

I've given up. I'll go on without it, to much resentment though.


Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:34 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

I'm just sad I will never get to experience that 212 Hawkmoon one shot kill from the giving end (why not leave that in on PvE)?. People were already saying it was good but not great, and it just got worse.

I've given up. I'll go on without it, to much resentment though.

If it makes you feel any better, I've never gotten the 1-shot kill and I've had Hawkmoon for like 6 months :-/


Feel like the rug just got pulled out from under me

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 17, 2015, 14:06 (3517 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

These changes could make 1/2 the guns in my vault trash. They've been pushing us to collect field scout, final round, and hand cannons, and now they say "Wait, we take that back! The guns you spent hours upon hours acquiring are too powerful." Hmm, maybe I should be happy because now I have no reason to save these LDRs and Spears. At the same time, ugh!

I'm just sad I will never get to experience that 212 Hawkmoon one shot kill from the giving end (why not leave that in on PvE)?. People were already saying it was good but not great, and it just got worse.

I've given up. I'll go on without it, to much resentment though.

If it makes you feel any better, I've never gotten the 1-shot kill and I've had Hawkmoon for like 6 months :-/

If it's that rare, why bother fixing it?


It is stupid rare... but maybe a very very easy fix.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 14:54 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Like 2 lines of code or something.



by slycrel ⌂, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:08 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

they mentioned that they wanted to make a change both for the person firing the gun as well as the people dying to some of those guns. I think the 1 shot kill, while fun, also feels really cheap on the receiving end -- it's not skill, it's luck.


by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:09 (3517 days ago) @ Cody Miller

It almost never happens, but because of PvPs perpetual lag it often feels like you're getting one-shot. Now when it happens you can rest easy knowing that your opponent didn't get extremely lucky, they just shot you twice without you realising because lag.

Seems painfully stupid to me, but that seems to be the reason.

I'd rather they made it so the "lucky" bullets couldnt stack at all. A Double Luck shot is still only a 2-shot kill, and "wastes" one of your lucky bullets.

EDIT: Ha, subject clash Slycrel, my bad. This is worse than that time I turned up to class wearing the same dress as the teacher.


Great minds... :D

by slycrel ⌂, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:14 (3517 days ago) @ someotherguy

- No text -

Here's my list

by DreadPirateWes, Friday, July 17, 2015, 19:20 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

I'm thinking they're cutting my dps by about 10%. My guns with mods that are being nerfed:
- Fatebringer x 3 (field scout)
- Oversould Edict (field scout)
- Fulcrum (final round)
- Timur's Lash (field scout)
- Epilogue (field scout)
- LDR (final round)
- LDR (field scout)
- Spear (final round)
- Spear (field scout)
- Found Verdict x 3 (final round)
- Party Crasher (rangefinder)
- Icebreaker x 3
- Invective (final round)
- Swordbreaker (final round)
- Black Hammer (white nail)
- Gjallarhorn x 2 (wolfpack)
- Thunderlord x 2 (field scout)
- Against All Odds (field scout)
- Jolder's Hammer x 2 (field scout)
- Corrective Measure x 3 (field scout)
- Fear (horseshoes)

- Vision of Confluence (field scout), Fang of Ir Yut (field scout) - I expect these to even out with the scout rifle ammo bump

Guns that have gotten better:
- Lord of Wolves (recovery)
- Hard Light (it will probably still be bad)
- Nechrocasm
- No Land Beyond
- Assorted scout rifles and auto rifles that I've kept around but never used


Here's my list

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, July 17, 2015, 19:40 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

Heh. If you were relying on Invective's Final Round you were doing something wrong. And Hard Light isn't bad, people just think it is for some reason or another.


Here's my list

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 19:44 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

Final round is only nerfed on snipers, unless I read wrong.


You are correct.

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 17, 2015, 19:48 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

- No text -


Rage Storm Incoming(Here We Go Again)--NSFW

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:19 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Shotguns/Reduce damage against AI combatants by 10%
Curb Shotgun effectiveness in PVE slightly to reintroduce some risk when closing on a powerful enemy

Here we go.
I know, 10% isn't a lot, but this is how it starts. Before you know it, we're back down to Shotguns being PvE pee shooters.

The Final Round perk on Sniper Rifles should still require precision shots

While I could care less about Final Round, as that perk to me is laughable(1 single extra point of damage), unoudid is right, that defeats the purpose.

Grenades and Horseshoes proximity detonation reduced.

I guess if I go into Crucible again, I'll get killed 20 feet away from the explosion instead of 21.

Hard Light Changes:
Increase base Stability to 80 (was 65)
Increase bounce count for Hard Light projectiles
Hard Light projectiles are not affected by Damage Falloff

...and the increase to the actual damage or impact of that Auto Rifle itself will be....how much?

Thorn Changes:
Reduce base damage of Thorn’s Mark of the Devourer DoT (Damage over Time) to roughly 1/3 of what it was in PVP and PVE

Why in PvE?!? How is it possibly balanced to neuter that in single-player? What, are the Vandals and Minotaurs ragequitting missions and posting angry threads in Reddit?

Yes, I know it's a nightmare in Crucible--believe me, I was constantly rolling between that, Red Death and Bad Juju(ALL in the top 10, by the way)--but the campaign is just computers. Why cripple the gun in THAT part of the game? Who the hell cares?

Hawkmoon Changes:
Add a stack limit to Luck in the Chamber and Holding Aces so that only 2 of the bonus perks will ever stack on one round. This should prevent Hawkmoon from 1-hit killing full health players in PVP
Add 2 rounds to Hawkmoon’s magazine when Holding Aces is unlocked
Luck in the Chamber damage bonus reduced by 3%

Jeez. Sorry for your loss, Cody. You probably don't even want the damn thing any more.

We’ve all done it. Hunker down in the back of the map with your lunch box, picnic table, a sci-fi paperback, and Ice Breaker. Kill all the enemies, wait for more to show up, kill those ones too, put a few shots on the boss, make a sandwich, finish the strike, and then collect your reward-that-isn’t-Hawkmoon and move on.

No, I have not.

No, I DO not.

And not a single Icebreaker owner I've ever met since October does that either. Don't you categorize me with those assholes who camp and AFK their way through strikes.

I don't care if I've beaten Sepiks Prime 100 times, I'll do it again and willingly.

Increase recharge time for Ice Breaker rounds to 1 every 8 seconds. Was 1 round every 5 seconds

And because of them, I have to suffer further. Let's think about that--a gun that takes forty-eight seconds to recharge...


No Land Beyond Changes
Increase weapon handling speed for faster time to aim, ready, and stow
Adjust sights to fix overlap/parallax issue while aimed
Increase time decay of The Master to 8 seconds
Add an additional 20% Precision Damage bonus while The Master is active

'Hold X to Dismantle'. Done.

White Nail perk now pulls ammo from your inventory

Increase recharge time for Ice Breaker rounds to 1 every 8 seconds. Was 1 round every 5 seconds

Reduce damage of Wolfpack Rounds

So now, there is literally nothing I can do to contribute to kneeling Crota. Not a goddamn thing. I guess I'll just point--maybe that will distract him.

And while we're on the subject:

If Destiny had a nuke it would be the “Ballerhorn.” We definitely intended to have a high damage Heavy Weapon that was ideal for PvE destruction. What we did not intend, and what we unfortunately saw, was pick up Raid and Nightfall groups gating participation based on whether or not players had this weapon. Gallonhorn was so strong that for many people it had become the only answer to getting through tough encounters, and therefore they were less willing to spend time with other players that didn’t have it. We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time. In the new world Ljimperhorn is still worthy of its legacy as an exotic Heavy Weapon, but we hope it promotes inclusive behavior rather than exclusivity.

Well, I mean, you know how to fix that though, right? You...you know what the solution is for...for something like that, right? Y'know? Perhaps maybe? Crazily? Here's an idea:


Maybe not giving me the weapon I just killed the boss with in Nightfall, or the armor I literally have equipped nearly 24/7!

No. Let's make it weaker. So now, LFG groups will be even MORE exclusive, looking for only a full party of maxed out horns--Level 34 or higher, plz! That's a step backwards.

But I guess this means it's time for my prediction to come true.

I don't know if I've posted it here, but I've definitely said it out loud--I'd only get a Guyahorn the second it was nerfed. So I guess tonight--well, probably not tonight. But the night of the update, I guess I'll find 20 of them waiting for me in the Postmaster.

Description: "Morpheus--You've watched in envy as lone Guardians topple the toughest in seconds. Now, it's time for your sloppy seconds."

TL;DR:There are a lot of bad things in this update, but the removal of White Nail is the one thing that might make me stop playing until the Taken King.

"Troll" me, critique me, pick my post apart--whatever.

I'm going to go angry-eat. Good night.


Rage Storm Incoming(Here We Go Again)--NSFW

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:42 (3517 days ago) @ Morpheus
edited by General Vagueness, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:52

Here we go. I know, 10% isn't a lot, but this is how it starts. Before you know it, we're back down to Shotguns being PvE pee shooters.

The Final Round perk on Sniper Rifles should still require precision shots

While I could care less about Final Round, as that perk to me is laughable(1 single extra point of damage), unoudid is right, that defeats the purpose.

What are you talking about, it gives you a lot more than 1 point of damage extra.

Grenades and Horseshoes proximity detonation reduced.

I guess if I go into Crucible again, I'll get killed 20 feet away from the explosion instead of 21.

What are you talking about (again), changing that changes how close you have to be for the rocket to explode.

Hard Light Changes:
Increase base Stability to 80 (was 65)
Increase bounce count for Hard Light projectiles
Hard Light projectiles are not affected by Damage Falloff

...and the increase to the actual damage or impact of that Auto Rifle itself will be....how much?

...whatever it said in the auto rifle section?

Thorn Changes:
Reduce base damage of Thorn’s Mark of the Devourer DoT (Damage over Time) to roughly 1/3 of what it was in PVP and PVE

Why in PvE?!? How is it possibly balanced to neuter that in single-player? What, are the Vandals and Minotaurs ragequitting missions and posting angry threads in Reddit?

Yes, I know it's a nightmare in Crucible--believe me, I was constantly rolling between that, Red Death and Bad Juju(ALL in the top 10, by the way)--but the campaign is just computers. Why cripple the gun in THAT part of the game? Who the hell cares?

They must think it was making things too easy.

We’ve all done it. Hunker down in the back of the map with your lunch box, picnic table, a sci-fi paperback, and Ice Breaker. Kill all the enemies, wait for more to show up, kill those ones too, put a few shots on the boss, make a sandwich, finish the strike, and then collect your reward-that-isn’t-Hawkmoon and move on.

No, I have not.

No, I DO not.

And not a single Icebreaker owner I've ever met since October does that either. Don't you categorize me with those assholes who camp and AFK their way through strikes.

I don't care if I've beaten Sepiks Prime 100 times, I'll do it again and willingly.

It's not just strikes, people do the same kind of thing in the Crucible.

So now, there is literally nothing I can do to contribute to kneeling Crota. Not a goddamn thing. I guess I'll just point--maybe that will distract him.

or you could get good

If Destiny had a nuke it would be the “Ballerhorn.” We definitely intended to have a high damage Heavy Weapon that was ideal for PvE destruction. What we did not intend, and what we unfortunately saw, was pick up Raid and Nightfall groups gating participation based on whether or not players had this weapon. Gallonhorn was so strong that for many people it had become the only answer to getting through tough encounters, and therefore they were less willing to spend time with other players that didn’t have it. We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time. In the new world Ljimperhorn is still worthy of its legacy as an exotic Heavy Weapon, but we hope it promotes inclusive behavior rather than exclusivity.

Well, I mean, you know how to fix that though, right? You...you know what the solution is for...for something like that, right? Y'know? Perhaps maybe? Crazily? Here's an idea:


No, that's the opposite of what they want. They don't want it to be that easy. I did a nightfall with a Gjallarhorn user (or two) a few weeks ago. I expected the last fight to take up to an hour. By all rights it probably should have. It was over before I could fire off two magazines from my sniper. That's a broken encounter, because of one gun-- and that was Valus Ta'aurc, the one they thought had too much health at the time!

Maybe not giving me the weapon I just killed the boss with in Nightfall, or the armor I literally have equipped nearly 24/7!

No. Let's make it weaker. So now, LFG groups will be even MORE exclusive, looking for only a full party of maxed out horns--Level 34 or higher, plz! That's a step backwards.

What are you talking about (part III: the revenge), they already do that, now they'll have less reason to.

"Troll" me, critique me, pick my post apart--whatever.

Gotchya covered. Hope you don't take it personally.


Wow, Dude.

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, July 18, 2015, 12:06 (3516 days ago) @ General Vagueness

There was only one part I took personal offense to--guess which one that was? So let's finally put the shoe on the other foot, and I pick apart your post for once.

So now, there is literally nothing I can do to contribute to kneeling Crota. Not a goddamn thing. I guess I'll just point--maybe that will distract him.

or you could get good

Vagueness. You are the LAST. The absolute undisputed ridiculously idiotic FINAL person on the entire. Fucking. Planet. To say a single thing to me about skill.

A quick DestinyTracker search proved what is painfully obvious:



Every single page, every single category, every single column--I've dragged your ass up and down the floor like a wet mop. Campaign, multiplayer, everything. We're not even in the same league. Not just Destiny, either. Halo, obviously--every Customs night when we have enough people for teams, we have to arrange the roster to have at least one good player on your team at all times. Isn't that a bad enough sign? In fact, comparing games--in every single game we both share, I've gotten more, better, faster. The only exception is Hexic HD, and I'll give that one to you because let's face it--no one wants to play that garbage again.

My point is--you're so terrible at everything you touch--you're not even ALLOWED to say 'get good'. Because guess what? You're WORSE.

No, that's the opposite of what they want. They don't want it to be that easy. I did a nightfall with a Gjallarhorn user (or two) a few weeks ago. I expected the last fight to take up to an hour. By all rights it probably should have. It was over before I could fire off two magazines from my sniper. That's a broken encounter, because of one gun-- and that was Valus Ta'aurc, the one they thought had too much health at the time!

And this is another example. You believe the final section of the (Solar Burn, by the way) Nightfall--not the entire strike itself, but only the boss fight with Ta'aurc--would take an entire sixty minutes??

You're probably confused about the burns(I was too, when I first started--I guess that's the one thing you don't have to feel bad about), but elemental damage from any source is greatly increased(3x). Which means if you have a weapon that matches the elemental burn, it will do 3x the amount of damage toward another enemy, too. Which is why people use that to their advantage.

But let's get back to this hour thing. You honestly expected the last fight to stretch on for a full hour. Seriously. An hour.

Full strikes don't even take an hour. BURN-LESS NIGHTFALLS don't take an hour. A GOD. DAMN. RAID DOES NOT TAKE AN HOUR.

The worst strikes I've ever had in my entire life--the first time I went against Aksor as a level 14--those were never any longer than 35 minutes. THE WHOLE THING, not just the boss fight.

That was 8 months ago. Now I can run Nightfalls by myeslf in less than that amount of time.

The only time a strike took me more than an hour was when I was backing up my talk by accepting Raeflection's "I'm A Big Baby" Strike challenge. And I won.

Anybody remember that?

One last bullet point paragraph--back to this whole hour thing. During that strike week, you obviously weren't paying attention to the forums.

You didn't see the video Funkmon posted?

You didn't see the videos that CruelLegacy posted?
(P.S.--look at his last statement at the bottom.)

You didn't see the video I fuckin' posted?

Even WITHOUT Solar Burn, Ta'aurc can still be managed quickly, if done properly and carefully. If the electrical impulses in your brain estimate to you that the final segment of a 20 minute strike would last a full hour, that's your brain telling you that YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

I'll take a stern note of hard facts from Xenos. I'll take it from Claude. I'll take it from someotherguy, from Funkmon, from Cody, Ragashingo, Kermit and even iconicbanana. Because I can sulk all I want, but at least I know they're right. But don't you fuckin' come to me and tell me I need to get good. Because I'll tell you right now, Vaguness--if I'm not good, then you aren't shit.

I'm leaving, everybody. I'll be back in a week.


Taking A Break From DBO. Back In A Week.

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Saturday, July 18, 2015, 12:06 (3516 days ago) @ Morpheus

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Rage Storm Incoming(Here We Go Again)--NSFW

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 16:18 (3513 days ago) @ General Vagueness

So now, there is literally nothing I can do to contribute to kneeling Crota. Not a goddamn thing. I guess I'll just point--maybe that will distract him.

or you could get good

As funny as the reply to this was, I seem to have struck a nerve, and I don't like to burn bridges, so: The word choice here was a meme, and one often used to put people down, and I didn't mean for it to be taken as an insult. I meant for it to be taken somewhat literally, and also as a sign to reconsider what was said, because the phrase "there is literally nothing I can do" should set off the hyperbole alarm in everyone's heads. (I also don't believe you have to be skilled yourself to recognize when someone is or isn't applying skill, otherwise you'd have to be an expert to enjoy watching sports or other competitions.)


Rage Storm Incoming(Here We Go Again)- *Gif*

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 17:04 (3513 days ago) @ General Vagueness

So now, there is literally nothing I can do to contribute to kneeling Crota. Not a goddamn thing. I guess I'll just point--maybe that will distract him.

or you could get good

As funny as the reply to this was, I seem to have struck a nerve, and I don't like to burn bridges, so: The word choice here was a meme, and one often used to put people down, and I didn't mean for it to be taken as an insult. I meant for it to be taken somewhat literally, and also as a sign to reconsider what was said, because the phrase "there is literally nothing I can do" should set off the hyperbole alarm in everyone's heads. (I also don't believe you have to be skilled yourself to recognize when someone is or isn't applying skill, otherwise you'd have to be an expert to enjoy watching sports or other competitions.)

To be fair, the guy was asking for it, honestly (using a Black Hammer against Crota? Genius.png).

I thought your reply was 24 karats of pure comedy, and clearly didn't warrant the massive butthurt (although there was much truth within your jest). But seriously, using any sniper against Crota (squad of NLB's aside) is Next-level dumb, and he considered it his only option?


Rage Storm

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 22:37 (3512 days ago) @ General Vagueness

The response you got was Britney Breakdown ridiculous. It would have been funny if it wasn't so needlessly inpleasant.

Considering the posts in question got locked, I'm gonna shut up now, apart from to say you definitely didn't deserve the reaction you got.



by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 23:07 (3512 days ago) @ someotherguy



by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 23:33 (3512 days ago) @ iconicbanana

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"

Who do they think they are, not letting my country hear Sandstorm?!


That's what happens when you host and lost the World Cup.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 00:11 (3512 days ago) @ ZackDark

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Well, you guys did it too. :p Just not twice, I guess

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 00:38 (3512 days ago) @ Ragashingo

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Um... Nevermind that! :p

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 00:41 (3512 days ago) @ ZackDark

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On Thron...

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:47 (3517 days ago) @ Morpheus

It's poison effect is getting a PvE buff. On tough targets (anything that takes more than 3 shots to kill) it will be doing more poison damage than it does now. Up to 1.5x more.


Yes, I am very excited about new Thorn.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 04:04 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

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On Thorn...

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, July 17, 2015, 11:26 (3517 days ago) @ Ragashingo

But the update said it would be doing 1/3rd of the damage it used to across both modes.

I know the 5x DoT will help, but it's still a decrease in power.


On Thorn...

by ProbablyLast, Friday, July 17, 2015, 11:36 (3517 days ago) @ Morpheus

The very next part of that sentence in the update states that it is an overall increase in poison damage. Makes it worse in PvP, but better in PvE.

5x0.33 > 1x1

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 11:39 (3517 days ago) @ Morpheus

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Thatalsodude loves his maths.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, July 17, 2015, 13:26 (3517 days ago) @ someotherguy

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On Thorn...

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, July 17, 2015, 14:02 (3517 days ago) @ Morpheus

It's just the poison damage:

Reduce base damage of Thorn’s Mark of the Devourer DoT (Damage over Time) to roughly 1/3 of what it was in PVP and PVE

and then:

Allow DoT to stack up to 5x across multiple landed projectiles
This is a net buff for Thorn’s DoT, but reduces the lethality of the weapon in PVP

The end result is Thorn will hit as hard as it always has and will still be able to kill people in the Crucible in three shots like most hand cannons. It might even still do the two headshot kill, we'll just have to see how much total damage it can put out in two shots. In PvE it will also be able to do a significantly more damage with its poison on things like yellow bar enemies and bosses. Anything that takes more than four shots to kill now will go down a bit faster thanks to the poison buff.

The only "downside" is you'll actually have to shoot people to kill them in the Crucible. The poison will still give you an advantage of delaying the enemy's shield recharge, it just won't kill them after you duck around the corner nearly so often. But it still can if they are really low on health. Ultimately this is a fair and necessary change. Thorn was overwhelming everything else and desperately needed a nerf.


On Thorn...

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, July 17, 2015, 21:38 (3516 days ago) @ Ragashingo

But why would it say "reduced in PvP and PvE" if PvE isn't being reduced? That's misleading.

When the shotguns got the PvE exclusive buff, what did it say?

Increase damage by 2x (100%) against all non-Guardian combatants (aliens)

Boom. Wipe hands. Done. Doesn't get any simpler or straightforward.

Now why not just put down "Increase Thorn's MoD to whatever the hell this garbled wording means against non-Guardians"?

Easy, right?


On Thorn...

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 17, 2015, 21:48 (3516 days ago) @ Morpheus

But why would it say "reduced in PvP and PvE" if PvE isn't being reduced? That's misleading.

When the shotguns got the PvE exclusive buff, what did it say?

Increase damage by 2x (100%) against all non-Guardian combatants (aliens)

Boom. Wipe hands. Done. Doesn't get any simpler or straightforward.

Now why not just put down "Increase Thorn's MoD to whatever the hell this garbled wording means against non-Guardians"?

Easy, right?

They didn't do that because the change is more subtle, and needs explanation. Here is a simplified explanation of what the MoD changes will be:

Right now MoD can only affect a target a single time. This means if you already hit a target, hitting them a second time has 0 effect on MoD damage. Now that MoD can STACK it will do more damage with each shot that lands on it up to 5x. This means when you hit a target 5x it will now do 5x33% damage it used to do which equals up to 166% the current damage it does now if you hit a target 5 times. The reason they did this is so that the gun still gives you a similar effect to the current usage, but since the target in PvP will be dead by the time you hit them 5x, it is not overpowered in PvP. This could not be explained the way you requested since the new mechanics have to be explained, not just "It now does 166% damage against non-Guardians" because that's not 100% true since it relies on you to continually hit the target.

This is a much more clever use of the mechanic as it actually makes the gun feel better in PvE as you do sustained damage, while at the same time removing the crazy power of the gun in PvP.


Finally...THAT Makes More Sense.

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, July 17, 2015, 22:45 (3516 days ago) @ Xenos

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I don't even

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 11:30 (3517 days ago) @ Morpheus

I think Vagueness did a pretty good job picking you apart, but just thought I'd chime in with how ridiculous that whole post was. How did you manage to complain about a Thorn buff in PvE? How is an extra 18 seconds of recharge time enough to make you dismantle your infinite ammo, recharging sniper rifle?

How is nerfing Black Hammer, Ghallarhorn or Ice Breaker preventing you from downing Crota? Why are you shooting him with Black Hammer of all things in the first place? How is it taking you more than 6 Icebreaker shots or 1 rocket each (regardless of whether it's Gjallarhorn) to down him? Are you the only person shooting at him?

They nerfed Grenades and Horseshoes and you've decided without even seeing it or being told specifics that the nerf isn't enough?

Your whole post smacks of " CHANGE IS BAD, THE END IS NIGH" despite a lot of these changes seemingly being for the better.



Surely he's joking... right? Maybe I misread intentions.

by Funkmon @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:22 (3517 days ago) @ someotherguy

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I don't even

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, July 17, 2015, 22:34 (3516 days ago) @ someotherguy

How did you manage to complain about a Thorn buff in PvE?

I guess when I got caught up reading Bungie's weapon tuning business contract.

How is nerfing Black Hammer, Ghallarhorn or Ice Breaker preventing you from downing Crota?

We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time.

Bungie didn't mean for the above to happen, but it absolutely did. Even Datto's No Land Beyond thing didn't encourage players to try something else. That's because they go for the sure and true, the reliable and dependable, the ol' Faithful, or whatever you call it. People go with what works.

Why are you shooting him with Black Hammer of all things in the first place?

White Nail. Why else?

How is it taking you more than 6 Icebreaker shots or 1 rocket each (regardless of whether it's Gjallarhorn) to down him? Are you the only person shooting at him?

I'm an Overseer--I guard and protect my raid group from Boomers, Bridge Knights, and Ogres. My two Icebreakers are at 307 and 321, so at the moment each of those takes at least two shots to kill those enemies. I usually try to keep some Heavy Syntheses with me, but if I don't have any, my rockets are empty. And the devil himself will die of hypothermia before I see any purple on the floor. Onto Crota himself--I don't know if it's lag, or clashing colors or if it's intentional, but I don't see any damage numbers on his shield at all. If I'm looking at his shielf health, I rarely see any change there either. Meaning I have no idea as to when he's
weak enough to actually heal. So when my teammate grabs the sword, I unleash EVERYTHING I've got and I don't stop until he kneels. If I'm busy keeping Knights away from everyone, especially the Swordbearer, he picks it up--no heavy ammo on the floor, 48 second reload...that just leaves a pulse or a scout rifle. Now that's laughable!

They nerfed Grenades and Horseshoes and you've decided without even seeing it or being told specifics that the nerf isn't enough?

One hundred-percent. I've run, I've jumped, I've backpedaled--I've even blinked. And still, 5-8 feet away(and in the case of Blink, 10 feet in the air), no wiggle room, no leeway, no chance in hell. Death, death, oh so distant death.

Your whole post smacks of " CHANGE IS BAD, THE END IS NIGH"

Of course it does--I don't like change! Change is bad!

(and if anyone can't tell, this is the part where I'm using light-hearted honesty to reveal my own flaws)

You learn the new secrets and the tricks of trades, etc., then it whips around on ya, and boom! You're on your face wondering how it all went wrong. You have to memorize all this stuff, radically change strategies(and I DON'T mean that camping garbage), watch the stuff you had faith in just melt in your hands...it is indeed the end of times!


I don't know about what, but he probably was.


I don't even

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 17, 2015, 22:41 (3516 days ago) @ Morpheus

They nerfed Grenades and Horseshoes and you've decided without even seeing it or being told specifics that the nerf isn't enough?

One hundred-percent. I've run, I've jumped, I've backpedaled--I've even blinked. And still, 5-8 feet away(and in the case of Blink, 10 feet in the air), no wiggle room, no leeway, no chance in hell. Death, death, oh so distant death.

Your logic here is confusing. You think that them nerfing Grenades and Horseshoes won't be enough because right now it's crazy how big the proximity detonation is, but you don't have ANY idea how much they nerfed it. This is a purely emotional reaction. For all we know they lowered it by 90%, that wouldn't be enough?

I'm of course not expecting it to be at 90%, but they obviously KNOW it's an issue and are attempting to address it. Unless you are trolling why not give them the CHANCE to show that they've addressed the issue.


I don't even

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, July 17, 2015, 22:50 (3516 days ago) @ Morpheus

How did you manage to complain about a Thorn buff in PvE?

I guess when I got caught up reading Bungie's weapon tuning business contract.

How is nerfing Black Hammer, Ghallarhorn or Ice Breaker preventing you from downing Crota?

We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time.

Bungie didn't mean for the above to happen, but it absolutely did. Even Datto's No Land Beyond thing didn't encourage players to try something else. That's because they go for the sure and true, the reliable and dependable, the ol' Faithful, or whatever you call it. People go with what works.

Sure, but LOTS of stuff works against Crota besides G-Horn, Ice Breaker, and Black Hammer. Any rocket launcher with tracking will get the job done.

Why are you shooting him with Black Hammer of all things in the first place?

White Nail. Why else?

Wait, white nail works on Crota? But he has no crit-hit zone. How do you get it to proc?

How is it taking you more than 6 Icebreaker shots or 1 rocket each (regardless of whether it's Gjallarhorn) to down him? Are you the only person shooting at him?

I'm an Overseer--I guard and protect my raid group from Boomers, Bridge Knights, and Ogres. My two Icebreakers are at 307 and 321, so at the moment each of those takes at least two shots to kill those enemies. I usually try to keep some Heavy Syntheses with me, but if I don't have any, my rockets are empty. And the devil himself will die of hypothermia before I see any purple on the floor. Onto Crota himself--I don't know if it's lag, or clashing colors or if it's intentional, but I don't see any damage numbers on his shield at all. If I'm looking at his shielf health, I rarely see any change there either. Meaning I have no idea as to when he's
weak enough to actually heal. So when my teammate grabs the sword, I unleash EVERYTHING I've got and I don't stop until he kneels. If I'm busy keeping Knights away from everyone, especially the Swordbearer, he picks it up--no heavy ammo on the floor, 48 second reload...that just leaves a pulse or a scout rifle. Now that's laughable!

I still don't understand... That's what YOU are doing, but what about the rest of your team? Getting Crota to kneel is very easy.


I don't even

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Friday, July 17, 2015, 22:57 (3516 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Sure, but LOTS of stuff works against Crota besides G-Horn, Ice Breaker, and Black Hammer. Any rocket launcher with tracking will get the job done.

Can confirm any rocket with big oomph will do. Used Hezen's Vengeance on Normal runs before I got my Hunger of Crota. Then used my Hunger of Crota on Hard runs.


I don't even

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, July 19, 2015, 19:52 (3515 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Wait, white nail works on Crota? But he has no crit-hit zone. How do you get it to proc?

It doesn't, and he isn't.

I don't even

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 17, 2015, 22:56 (3516 days ago) @ Morpheus

How did you manage to complain about a Thorn buff in PvE?

I guess when I got caught up reading Bungie's weapon tuning business contract.

I don't even know what that means. What does that mean?

How is nerfing Black Hammer, Ghallarhorn or Ice Breaker preventing you from downing Crota?

We strive for Destiny to be a place where a single weapon or strategy does not dictate how, or with whom, you spend your time.

Bungie didn't mean for the above to happen, but it absolutely did. Even Datto's No Land Beyond thing didn't encourage players to try something else. That's because they go for the sure and true, the reliable and dependable, the ol' Faithful, or whatever you call it. People go with what works.

Right. Some weapons are more popular. That doesn't mean it literally can't be done without those weapons. I don't have any idea how you came to that conclusion.

Why are you shooting him with Black Hammer of all things in the first place?

White Nail. Why else?

Umm... does White Nail proc on Crota? You can't even get crit damage on his shield.

How is it taking you more than 6 Icebreaker shots or 1 rocket each (regardless of whether it's Gjallarhorn) to down him? Are you the only person shooting at him?

I'm an Overseer--I guard and protect my raid group from Boomers, Bridge Knights, and Ogres. My two Icebreakers are at 307 and 321, so at the moment each of those takes at least two shots to kill those enemies. I usually try to keep some Heavy Syntheses with me, but if I don't have any, my rockets are empty. And the devil himself will die of hypothermia before I see any purple on the floor. Onto Crota himself--I don't know if it's lag, or clashing colors or if it's intentional, but I don't see any damage numbers on his shield at all. If I'm looking at his shielf health, I rarely see any change there either. Meaning I have no idea as to when he's
weak enough to actually heal. So when my teammate grabs the sword, I unleash EVERYTHING I've got and I don't stop until he kneels. If I'm busy keeping Knights away from everyone, especially the Swordbearer, he picks it up--no heavy ammo on the floor, 48 second reload...that just leaves a pulse or a scout rifle. Now that's laughable!

If you're on Boomer duty you dont even need to shoot at Crota. On Normal mode he'll go down just fine with 4 people shooting him, and on Hard you're probably not even shooting the boomers, so you won't have to worry about it.

They nerfed Grenades and Horseshoes and you've decided without even seeing it or being told specifics that the nerf isn't enough?

One hundred-percent. I've run, I've jumped, I've backpedaled--I've even blinked. And still, 5-8 feet away(and in the case of Blink, 10 feet in the air), no wiggle room, no leeway, no chance in hell. Death, death, oh so distant death.

And they're nerfing it. But you know it won't be enough?


RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:21 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

I forgot with the other stuff, but that rangefinder change and the precision changes overall on shotguns are pretty big too, and I'm not looking forward to them. The only thing in the game as resistant to getting old as a knife headshot is a shotgun headshot, and they're making that noticeably harder.

do we know when it goes live?

by DreadPirateWes, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:42 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

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by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Friday, July 17, 2015, 03:51 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

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Haaaaard Liiiiiiiight!!!!!

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Friday, July 17, 2015, 07:41 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Greater stability and no damage falloff! I'm fitna be rapin in Trials!


Not sure why I even care anymore, but eh, I'll sound off too

by Kahzgul, Friday, July 17, 2015, 15:33 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

My gut reaction was that blanket nerfing everything is good, but - as I've said before - Bungie is applying nerfs to *base stats* instead of doing their balancing around the maxed out, perfect rolls. It's backwards and will not be effective at creating a balanced PvP experience. Also, I believe lag is the number one thing they need to fix. I don't know how you can tell if weapons are balanced when one person gets to keep shooting for 5 seconds after they've been killed. Below I'm going to break down my feelings about where the weapons will be and how the changes will effect them.

A word of warning: This is going to come off pretty negative sounding. Even though I think that the overall changes will be better than what we have right now, I think they're still not going about weapon balance correctly and I think the net result will be a less varied battlefield in terms of weapon loadouts.

Also, this is all too little too late as far as I'm concerned. It's been longer since 1.1.1 than it was from 1.0 to 1.1.1 and the current pvp imbalances are (as you can easily see from the graphs) just absurd. Bungie should have been rolling out their "little tweaks" every week, just fudging a few numbers here and there until weapons felt right. They're demonstrating a lack of understanding of how PvP plays in this game, a lack of understanding with regards to how players' minds operate when it comes to weapon builds, and a lack of understanding about how to treat players who have been spending vast quantities of resources to build up current weapons which are about to be dramatically changed.

I'm disappointed Bungie hasn't been communicating their awareness of these issues, their plans for these issues, or (frankly) their lack of understanding of these issues in the last 5 months. I don't believe the changes are going to fix things like Thorn being OP (the simple fact of the DoT effect preventing shield regen makes it highly desirable in PvP, especially elimination modes like ToO) or shotguns being king of close range. I think the ARs still need more buffs. Pulse Rifles and Scout Rifles are going to be preferred to sniper rifles at long ranges, and fusion rifles will not be very popular.

Here's how it sounds like weapons will actually work at various ranges:

Very close range: Shotguns are king, hand cannons and fusion rifles effective
Close Range: Hand cannons are king, shotguns and fusion rifles effective
Mid range: ARs are king, pulse rifles, scout rifles, hand cannons effective
Long Range: Scout Rifles are king, pulse rifles and sniper rifles effective. I don't think the hand cannon nerfs go far enough, so hand cannons may still be effective at long ranges as well.
Very Long Range: Sniper Rifles are king, scout rifles and pulse rifles effective

Which means everyone will be using either a shotgun and blink (to close the gap and eliminate mid-range encounters) alongside a PR or SR, or will be using a sniper rifle alongside a hand cannon. This is based simply off of where these weapon classes are designed to be effective. I know Bungie said they want ARs to be effective at close range but there's no world where an AR is more effective than a one-shot kill shotgun or fusion rifle. The purported "ideal range" for ARs also overlaps with hand cannons, which we all know are better. The nerfs to hand cannons are not nearly enough to make them as bad as ARs in close ranges, so the result is that ARs will remain garbage with the possible exception of the exotics. If you noticed, this means I think the current meta will be the same after the 2.0 changes. Exact weapons may shift a tiny amount (but Thorn still OP), but basic loadouts and play, despite all of the changes, are going to look very similar.

TL;DR: Ugh. Small, incremental changes is the way to go, Bungie. Also, you should balance from the ideal state, not the base models. And Thorn's DoT is the thing that makes it good in ToO. Nerfing DoT damage doesn't change the fact that it prevents shield regen for a very long time.

Not sure why I even care anymore, but eh, I'll sound off too

by DreadPirateWes, Friday, July 17, 2015, 16:03 (3517 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I share most of your sentiments. Shaking things up is probably good, but I wish they'd just say, "We're going to mess with everything just to make the game fresh again" instead of implying that we've been playing the game wrong by using the best perks.

Very close range: Shotguns are king, hand cannons and fusion rifles effective
Close Range: Hand cannons are king, shotguns and fusion rifles effective
Mid range: ARs are king, pulse rifles, scout rifles, hand cannons effective
Long Range: Scout Rifles are king, pulse rifles and sniper rifles effective. I don't think the hand cannon nerfs go far enough, so hand cannons may still be effective at long ranges as well.
Very Long Range: Sniper Rifles are king, scout rifles and pulse rifles effective

I think you've mixed up hand cannons and ARs. Even now, hand cannons are not great up close, except the Last Word. Hand cannons are best when you aim shots and crit, and that's very hard to do up close.


Not sure why I even care anymore, but eh, I'll sound off too

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 17, 2015, 16:06 (3517 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

I share most of your sentiments. Shaking things up is probably good, but I wish they'd just say, "We're going to mess with everything just to make the game fresh again" instead of implying that we've been playing the game wrong by using the best perks.

They implied that?



by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, July 17, 2015, 16:23 (3517 days ago) @ Xenos

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RIP field scout: Bungie details weapon tuning in 2.0

by cheapLEY @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 17:47 (3517 days ago) @ Funkmon

Maybe I haven't been playing long enough (and don't have most of these weapons), but I don't care about any of this.

Most if it sounds great to me. I think the folks that are griping are just upset about losing their over powered weapons.

I like that Bungie is doing this, I like that the "best" weapon or loadout is always changing. Keeps things fresh.


Always relevant for sandbox changes.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, July 17, 2015, 18:00 (3517 days ago) @ cheapLEY


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