
Woohoo! (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Saturday, July 18, 2015, 06:37 (3516 days ago) @ Mid7night

HUGE thanks to Funk for staying up and playing "one more game" and to Disciple for the clutch quick revives ... I can finally check Skolas off and complete my Triumphs!


Also I scored an Elder Cipher, Shadow of Veils, Shader, Emblem and Ship. It was (finally) a good night in Destiny. ;)

Glad we got it done despite the game totally being out to get us. Everything almost went south during the first round of mines. When I went to the middle mine, I put a couple of shotgun rounds into the dregs that were hanging out up there, got gunned down, revived myself, then fired another round to start clearing out the dregs again only to discover that I somehow revived with my rocket readied instead of my shotgun. I nearly blew myself up, but had just a sliver of health left when I made it over to revive you :p

Oh, and then there was crap like this:

Now that it's all done, we just need to knock out a 32 PoE and get those Elder Cypher bounties started!


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