
Re: Comparing the Competitive Balance between Xbone & PS4 (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Sunday, July 19, 2015, 00:30 (3515 days ago) @ red robber

I've talked a lot about this lately with people like Korny and IconicBanana. Since I have probably split time between the platforms more than anyone else here, a lot of people ask me whether PvP is more competitive on Playstation or Xbox.*

My answer is: I feel like it's more competitive overall on the PS4 (and I know Korny, who has been playing on both a lot over the past couple weeks, feels the same). Banana has pointed out that if you look at the top overall rankings on Destiny Tracker, most of the Top 10 Crucible players in the world are on Xbox. After thinking about it a lot, I'm going to guess that what's going on is that the really top-tier competitive PvP players (that likely came up from Halo and CoD) stuck with Xbox, while a lot more people that are really good at PvP (but not necessarily MLG-level) made the move over to Playstation. I feel like there might be more top-tier players on Xbone, but when dealing with the much broader pool of somewhat-above-average players, the competition is a little more fierce overall on Playstation 4.

* Speaking of splitting time between the platforms -- I have now completed all of my "Moments of Triumph" on both platforms, and I'm just curious if there is anyone else from the DBO community that has done the same...?

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