Bounty Hunter (Destiny)

by DerekT07, Tennessee, Sunday, July 19, 2015, 14:59 (3514 days ago)

Greetings, fellow denizens of the Tower! Have you been struggling with your resource gathering? Are pesky Hive or Fallen warriors stopping you from grabbing those sweet helium filaments or spirit bloom? Maybe you have a vendetta with a particular Ogre who got his purple beam all over your brand new exotic weapon. Look no further! The Ghost and His Ghost bounty hunting team is here to help. My trusty ghost and I will personally hunt down and eliminate your enemies in record time! Not buying it? Here, take a look!

As you can see, no time was wasted in wasting that Ogre! Nevertheless, this is not just one anecdotal instance of supreme efficiency. Here's another example to show that this is my specialty!

We will strike directly at your target no matter how many minions stand in the way! You can always know that an alien monster is about to perish when you see that solid white figure zooming by! Now, I'm sure you're asking yourself, "Self, how much is this guy going to cost me in order to take down that mean ole Cabal centurion who's been bugging me?" Well, I've got good news for you! For the low, low price of 5000 glimmer or a video of you punching Master Rahool in the face, our services can be yours! Don't wait; high demand keeps us busy!

One last thing... Petra, if you're reading this, no, I am not doing any more bounties for you. Stop calling.

This is obviously a joke post. Hope it entertained you!


I would pay 5000 glimmer for you to do the super kill one.

by Funkmon @, Sunday, July 19, 2015, 16:30 (3514 days ago) @ DerekT07

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