
Hey Cody . . . (Some thoughts about things I've missed) (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, July 19, 2015, 22:23 (3514 days ago)

As I was offline during the launch of Destiny, I've been reading threads from right around that time and moving forward, just seeing what the general atmosphere was like (mainly looking for stuff about the raids, because I think that had to have been an incredible experience), and I ran across this:

Flawless Raider 65
Complete a Raid without anyone in your fireteam dying.

This is 100% impossible :-p

How did that pan out? :P

Also, a few other things:

-It's really fascinating how much venom there seemed to be towards Bungie (and still is, I guess, from the gaming community at large), although that's not a conversation that needs to be revisited.

-How can anyone see that Cabal tower on Mars and not think it was intentionally designed to be the Master Chief?

-At times I second guessed my decision to give up gaming/the internet for a while, mainly because I knew I was missing Destiny. Now I really feel like it was a great choice, especially as far as Destiny is concerned. I missed almost all of the grindy frustrations everyone seemed to have by coming in like a month before House of Wolves dropped. Seems like a great starting point. I was worried about being so far behind, but I caught up very quickly, and you guys have all be great in helping me through the raids, so thanks for that.

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