Lighthouse: confirmed (Destiny)

by CaneCutter @, Alabama, Sunday, July 19, 2015, 23:42 (3514 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Big thanks to Ottermack and CaneCutter for powering through with me tonight. We got off to a ROUGH start. Couldn't get passed 3 wins on a ticket before losing 2 and blowing our chances at a flawless run. It was beyond frustrating at times. But we kept going back in, and on our 3rd or 4th ticket we made it all the way through. Felt that much sweeter after all our troubles earlier in the night. Got an Arc Scholar to show for it :)

It was definitely rough those first few tickets. I'm just not that great with my warlock. I'm not really awesome with my hunter either - but definitely better. LOL But as frustrating as it was at times, I still had a blast. Thanks for being patient with me.

And I never thought I'd get to the lighthouse twice in one night. That was also cool.

- CC

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