
7 Lessons from a ToO Newb. (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Monday, July 20, 2015, 14:51 (3513 days ago)

1- Chill Out - I did much better when I was more at ease. Also, Don't Panic. It doesn't help to panic when you're in a tight spot. There were several times I could have revived Cody or Cruel & I panicked and didn't take the time to properly find their orb or some such nonsense.
2- Cruel & Cody are pretty good players and even better sports.
3- Communication and Coordination are so very key. Coordinated attacks are much more effective. Also, call out when you die, even if it means talking over someone.
4- Don't shoot rockets into the bridge, especially if you're the last guarding standing. Also, don't throw lightning grenades into the wall directly in front of yourself. (although this particular tactic turned out ok the one time I'm thinking of)
5- Find multiple tactics that work well as a team so you can change it up.
6- Cauldron Specifics: When you have control of room B don't press the attack against a team in C (or A). Also, if your going to die, don't do it on the bridge, and try to do it far enough away from a door that the door can close when someone comes to revive you.
7- I should recored my gameplay for a couple reasons. First, the hilarity. Second, so I can learn what was done wrong when panicking.

I learned many more things, entirely too many to write down now, and a list of 7 is good. Overall I feel that #1 & #3 (and #4) would be of the most help to me. I feel that #1 will come with experience and comfort with this mode. I had a lot of fun even though I only had a couple good plays. I've been wanting to do some more PvP and this has increased my desire to get better at PvP.

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