Impregnable skullfort (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 00:11 (3513 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Exotic Helmet idea: two perks, mutually exclusive.

1. Total health is reduced by 33%, however you cannot suffer critical hits.
2. Total health is increased by 50%, however you always suffer critical hits.

1 would make you more vulnerable to auto rifles, shotguns, fusion rifles, rockets and HMGs, but less vulnerable to Scout, Pulse, snipers, and hand cannons. In short, you'd be more effective at distance combat.

2 would make you more effective up close, but less so farther away.

This exploits the fact that the ranged weapons have much higher critical hit multipliers. What could possibly go wrong? :-p

Ambidextrous - Your melee attack is replaced by a second grenade. Grenade kills reduce your grenade cool down.

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