Golden Chests Achievement, Only one character counts (Destiny)

by Earendil, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 13:44 (3512 days ago)

PSA, I discovered last weekend that the Golden Chest Achievement for the One-Year Triumph challenge has to be done by a single character. This is quite unlike ghost shells.

Most people probably won't notice this if they did most of the chest hunting with their first character created, but I happened to have two characters, one that I played a lot the first few months, and another I switched to just before the dark below. It turns out that between the two of them I already had every single chest, but that didn't count. I had to choose a character to finish them off.

Why might this be important? The character with an extra two chests was one I almost deleted (and will soon) because I want to roll a hunter. If I had done so, I'm betting all those golden chests I found with him would not have counted, or been rolled over to my other char.

So if it's not too late, consider golden chests before deleting a character :)
ALSO, you may not want to finish the golden chest achievement with a character you intent on deleting before the end of summer.

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