Golden Chests Achievement, Only one character counts (Destiny)

by Earendil, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 13:44 (3512 days ago)

PSA, I discovered last weekend that the Golden Chest Achievement for the One-Year Triumph challenge has to be done by a single character. This is quite unlike ghost shells.

Most people probably won't notice this if they did most of the chest hunting with their first character created, but I happened to have two characters, one that I played a lot the first few months, and another I switched to just before the dark below. It turns out that between the two of them I already had every single chest, but that didn't count. I had to choose a character to finish them off.

Why might this be important? The character with an extra two chests was one I almost deleted (and will soon) because I want to roll a hunter. If I had done so, I'm betting all those golden chests I found with him would not have counted, or been rolled over to my other char.

So if it's not too late, consider golden chests before deleting a character :)
ALSO, you may not want to finish the golden chest achievement with a character you intent on deleting before the end of summer.

Golden Chests Achievement, Only one character counts

by naturl selexion, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 17:58 (3512 days ago) @ Earendil

PSA, I discovered last weekend that the Golden Chest Achievement for the One-Year Triumph challenge has to be done by a single character.

I think it also has to be done by the first original character. My Warlock was first and is missing two chests, the other two have been recreated a couple times but they aren't missing any chests. I'll have to find those two missing chests with my Warlock if I want the triumph challenge thing.

Golden Chests Achievement, Only one character counts

by WildthingVII, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 18:56 (3512 days ago) @ naturl selexion

I got the challenge with my 4th character after deleting my first and second characters. I'm pretty sure the only thing that matters is that any single character have found them all.

Golden Chests Achievement, Only one character counts

by naturl selexion, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 21:22 (3512 days ago) @ WildthingVII

I'm pretty sure the only thing that matters is that any single character have found them all.

That can't be. I have two characters that have found them all, but it says I have only 18 out of 20. It is my original character that still needs the two chests.


by Vortech @, A Fourth Wheel, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 22:52 (3511 days ago) @ Earendil

Q: If I delete a character, can I lose my Triumphs, or Emblem?

A: Yes. Triumphs are character based. If you delete a character that has completed a Triumph, or any percentage of a triumph, you will lose that progress.


Q: I have found all Golden Chests on all planets, but my Triumph tally isn’t counting them

A: We advise finding all 20 chests on a single character. You have the ability to check your progress in game, under the director, by planet. Please note, deleting a character could result in a loss of progress.

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