Potential for Shenanigans, or The Other IB Glitch (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 14:08 (3505 days ago)

Last Iron Banner there was a glitch with Iron Banner games giving oddly delayed rewards. When the game caught up to itself it would give completion rewards for whatever content you were currently playing.

It's unlikely it will happen again, but in the even that it does, maybe those who have yet to beat Skolas could use it as a way to complete their Triumphs?

Obiously I'd say "You should beat Skolas at least once legit", but if this would work it would at least get rid of the time limit. The last thing anyone needs when working on a tough task is to feel like they HAVE to do it now or else they'll miss the boat.

Just a thought for those who are struggling.

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