
Agree 100% (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 17:59 (3505 days ago) @ ProbablyLast

Please, before you do things like this, try to determine whether they're actually AFK to try to get a free ride. Sometimes people have actual lives. Someone rings the doorbell, a kid cries, you have to take food out of the oven before it catches fire. If someone's sitting in the initial spawn location, just give them the benefit of the doubt. I've had legitimate interruptions come up, only to come back to the game and find that some asshole has reset my "Unstoppable" bounty. Or my controller's walked off the table and broken the USB connector because my teammates thought that shooting my avatar constantly would be amusing.

On the other hand, if they're sitting behind a wall during a boss fight and not contributing, but you can see them looking around... let 'em have it.

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